Papa Huey

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Jazmine POV~

Holland was the most happiest baby I've ever met. She was always smiling and making different noises. She especially made noise when Huey was around. Man did she love her father.

Holly always wanted to be held by Huey and given attention by him. She just loved that man to pieces.

"She's gonna be such a daddy's girl," I tell him. He rolls his eyes, not wanting to admit it. But he knew too that Holland was gonna cling to him for life.

"She gets it from her mother," Huey says. I roll my eyes, knowing he was right.

"Have you heard anything about Cindy?" I asked Huey. He shook his head.

"Is there something wrong?"

I never told Huey about Cindy since I thought he already knew.

"No one told you? Tunk and Jaelyne ended up jumping Cindy the night Riley was coming home. She ended up going to the hospital and almost losing her baby."

Huey scowled. Even though he never showed it, he cared about Cindy and her wellbeing. Plus, she was carrying his nephew. 

"Did anything happen to Tunk and Jaelyne?" Huey asks.

"Riley handled it. Jada told me he was gonna kill them but decided not to since the baby lived. But he said if they try anything else, they'll get there's."

I knew Riley was serious when he said that. He didn't play when it came to Cindy and he definitely wasn't gonna play when his child on the line.

"No one told me about that," Huey said.

"I honestly thought Riley would've told you. Jada said she didn't wanna say anything because that wasn't her business to tell."

"Riley still isn't talking to me."

I look over at Huey, shocked.

"But I thought-"

"Even though he came to visit when you were giving birth to Holly, he still wouldn't say anything to me. He's still mad at me."

"But not Jada right?"

"No. She got over it, but Riley for some reason won't." 

I sighed, Riley has been more emotional these days. He holds more grudges and gets upset about things more than usual.

"Do you know why?" I asked Huey. He sighs, shaking his head.

"No. But I don't have time for it."

I huffed, this is the exact reason Riley was mad in the first place. Huey doesn't make time for his sibling's feelings like he should. But I'm going to let him figure that out on his own. 

Holland starts fussing, Huey handing her over to me, knowing she's hungry.

I grab a blanket, getting ready to breast feed her.

"Huey, can you turn on Aladdin?" I asked him. Huey made a face. "What?"

"Out of all movies, Jazz? Can't she watch something more about..... Us?"

"What do you mean us?" 

"I mean us, our people. Something like Princess and the Frog."

"I'm starting to get sick of that movie, Huey. If you want, we could watch Lion King."

"Lion King?"

I face palm. This boy was going to drive me nuts.

"Yea, Lion King. Have you not seen it?"

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