Close Your Eyes

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Layla POV~

The daddy daughter dance was approaching fast and Candice was really excited. 

Everyday after school, she'd come home after school giving a countdown to when the dance was.

"I just can't wait mama! Me and Caesar are gonna have so much fun dancing and singing together! Jada even said she would go dress shopping with us this weekend!"

I smiled, happy she was happy about this. Every year, Candice would end up going to the dance alone or not even going at all. This was the 3rd year for the dance and she finally had someone to go with.

"Caesar talked to me about the dance, actually," I tell her. She looks over at me, instantly giving a sad look.

"He said he couldn't come?"

"What? No, Candy, he wants to take you out to dinner afterwards. Treat you to whatever foods you want."

Candice squealed, clapping her hands.

"This is gonna be so much fun!" Candice cheers, going to her room to color. I smiled to myself.

Even though Caesar was only 18, he treated Candice way better than her 24 year old father ever has. He takes care really good care of her and I know he's going to be an amazing father with his own boys.

I call Jada the weekend we were supposed to go shopping, making sure she was still coming with us.

"Yes ma'am!" She says over the phone. "I'm just getting Jackson ready now. I can't leave him with everyone else since that would be too much so I'll bring him with me."

"Alright. Well, I'm gonna start getting Candy in the car.  We'll be over in a few."

Jada says okay before hanging up. I call Candice, her coming downstairs with her coat and shoes.

"Is Jada still coming with us?" She asks. I nod, getting a squeal in return.

Candice gets in her booster seat in the back of my car, buckling herself.

"I'm ready, mommy!"

I nod, pulling out my driveway. Jada was only a few blocks down the street so our drive was really short.

"Can I go knock on the door and see Caesar?" Candy asks.

"We have to get going, Candy," I tell her. "You can see Caesar when we get back, okay?"

Candice pouts, but complies.

Jada comes out a few minutes later, a car seat in her arms. I quickly get out, helping her out.

"Thank you," she says. I installed the car seat hook in my car so all we had to do was place Jackson in and he'd be safe.

"Hi Jackie!" Candice greets with a smile, using her gloves hand to rub Jackson's tiny one.

"Hi Candy!" Jada greets.

"Hi Jada!"

We get to the mall, going to a dress shop.

"What color do you wanna wear?" I ask Candice.


"Candice, no. You wear pink every year. Let's try something new."

"But mama, I love pink! Pleeaassseeee!!"

I sternly told her no again, getting a pout. We looked for dresses for an hour, finding different colors but dresses that don't really look.. appealing. 

Candice was beginning to grow restless and I could tell this was boring her. 

"Look at this," Jada says, holding up a purple dress. The top was purple with white floral over it and the bottom was just plain purple that looked kinda like a tutu.   

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