Auntie Candy

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Jada POV~

A week later, we took the boys home. They were honestly a bigger handful than I expected. Jordan was more of a crybaby than Jackson and when Jordan cried, Jackson would too. And man, could they cry. It would be 20 minutes of them crying until they tired themselves out. But they were good nappers too. 

It was hard to keep up with them and diaper changes though. Those two always went at the same time so it would be me and Caesar waking up in the middle of the night changing them. But soon, we got into the flow of things. Caesar would take one baby while I took the other. If Jackson was crying or needed anything, I tended to him. If Jordan needed something, Caesar went to him.

"Jada!" Caesar calls. I was upstairs watching TV with Jackson. 


"Someone's at the door for you."

I picked up Jordan, walking downstairs with him. I placed him in his bassinet in the living room and opened the door.

"Oh my gosh! Layla, Candice! It's so nice to see you guys!" I let them in, closing the door behind them.

"It's so nice seeing you!" Layla says, hugging me. 

"Likewise! Hi Candy. How are you?"

"I'm good," Candy says, smiling. "Mommy said you had a baby!"

"I had two babies," I tell her. I grab Jackson, kneeling down so Candice can see him. She cooed, smiling at him.

"Hi little baby," She says. Jackson looks at her, his dark eyes wondering who she was. 

"What's his name?" Layla asks me.

"Jackson. My boyfriend has the other baby with him." Caesar appears from the living room couch with Jordan, "And this is Jordan."

"They're adorable. I never actually met your boyfriend," Layla says, smirking. I blush, chuckling.

"Layla, this is Caesar. Babe, this is Layla. She's the friend I was telling you about."

"Nice meeting you," Caesar says, smiling.

"He's a cute one," Layla says, "Treat her right. I look at her as if she was my very own daughter."

I smiled, Layla did take me in and council me as if she was my own mother and I appreciated that.

"Jada," Candy tugs my shirt. "Can I hold him?"

I smile, nodding. 

"Just go wash your hands and I'll sit you on the couch."

Caesar puts Jordan down, showing Candice where the bathroom was to wash her hands. Layla follows as well, wanting to hold one of the boys too.

I grab a bib, putting it on Jackson when everyone comes back. 

"You can sit there," I tell Candice, she sits, holding her tiny arms out. "Here you go. You have to be careful though, he can't hold his head up just yet so make sure you keep his head up."

Candice nods, lifting her arm a little to support his head.

Layla grabs Jordan from Caesar, smiling at him.

"He's so little," She coos. "Hi little man."

Jordan smiles a bit. He was a ladies man already and loved attention from girls.

"What's their full names?" Layla asks.

Caesar looked at me, curious as well. You'd think he'd ask me that when I first named the boys but I never told him their middle and last names. That was something I was still iffy about since the debate Caesar and I had about last names.

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