The After Effect

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Riley POV~

Things happened so fast. One minute, Murph and I was just chillin, then the next second Murph was in a lot of pain. She didn't look too good either. I don't know if it was the baby coming or what but she looked like she was about to die.

"Reezy," She plead, tears in her eyes. "Help me!"

I held her hand as Christie sped to the hospital. She was crying, whatever pain she was feeling was getting worse and worse.

We made it to the hospital, a security guard helping me get Murph out the car and putting her in a wheel chair. A nurse rushed to help us.

"I think she's going into labor!" I tell her. She grabs the wheel chair handles, going I don't even know where. 

"Ma'am, how far apart are your contractions?" The nurse asks.

"What?!" Cindy questions.

"During your pain, how long do they start and how long do they stop?"

"They haven't stopped at all! I've been feeling this *AGH* for almost an hour."

The nurses eyes widen,

"We need to get her to the emergency room. This isn't what it's like going into labor."

I looked at that bitch confused. What was she talking about?

She rushed Murph to the emergency room and told me to wait outside.

"What did the nurse say?" Christie asks.

"Cindy ain't goin into labor," I reply. "Her pain been goin on too long or whateva and it's something different."

Christie gasps. 

"I hope she's alright!"

Before I start to panic, I called Jada, hoping she'd calm me down.

"Whoa, Reezy, why the scared face?" She asks, answering the FaceTime call.

"Murph ain't down good, Jay," I tell her, "She was havin pain but it won't the same pain as if she was gon go into labor."

Jada's eyes widen, I saw her place something down and look at the camera again.

"So what exactly does that mean?" She asks.

"I don't know. The nurse took her to the emergency room though."

Jada sighs, shaking her head.

"I'm on my way."

"What?! Jay, no. You need to stay with the babies, ion want you getting dragged into this."

"Riley, Cindy's my family too. You need as much support as you can get while you're there. I'm buying a plane ticket now, so I'll see you soon."

Jada hangs up, causing me to sigh. Her ass always wanna be stubborn.

"Was that your sister?" Christie asks, walking behind me.

"Yea. She on her way now."

Christie nods, 

"I'm here for you too, Riley. I know you don't really know me well, and I used to be really rude to you, but Cindy cares a lot about you, and so do I."

I smile a bit, nodding.

"Thanks, Christie."

We waited in the hospital for hours, not hearing anything about Cindy or anything that's going on. I tried asking but they said she was still under testing, and that as soon as they figure it out, they'll let me know.

I growled in frustration. These niggas ain't know shit.

"I thought you would've heard something by now," Jada says, walking up to us. I smile, going to hug my little sister.

"Missed ya, Jay," I say. She smiles back, 

"I missed you too."

We sit back down, Jada saying hi to Christie.

"How's the boys?" I ask.

"They're good. Been a handful, but good."

"You heard anything about Jazzy?"

"She's been good too," Jada replies. "Have you talked to Huey at all?"

I didn't say nun. I didn't plan on talking to that neglectful ass nigga for a while. His ass can do whatever he want, ion care. He just better not show his face around me or it's gon be a problem on sight.


"Before you start lecturin me right now, don't forget why I'm mad at him in the first place."

Jada sighs, nodding. 

We had been at the hospital almost the entire day. We hadn't heard not nothin from nobody until it was almost 9PM. 

A doctor came out, 

"I'm looking for the family of Cindy McPhearson?"

Christie, Jada, and I stand up. 

"That's us," Christie says. 

"Dr. Lincoln," He says, shaking our hands.

"How's Cindy?" Jada immediately asks. Dr. Lincoln sighs, putting his head down.

"As of now she's unresponsive." I felt my throat go dry, my stomach turned, and everything in my wanted to scream. "Due to the injuries she endured, the baby was already close to coming out. That cause the pain in Cindy's body was the baby trying to get out on his own. While Cindy gave birth, she lost a lot of blood and went unconscious. She's still alive but hasn't woken up just yet."

"S-so she's in a coma?" Christie asks.

The doctor nods sadly.

"Can we see her?" Jada asks. The doctor shakes his head, 

"No but you can see the baby. He's in the delivery room getting checked in."

I didn't say none, I just walked the other way.

"Riley?" Jada calls. I ignore her, heading for the exit, "RILEY!"

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