X - Wrong

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"Maggie?" He said just above a whisper, both of his hands gently coming down to rest on my waist.

"Yes?" I replied, swallowing hard.

"Just tell me when to stop."

Before I could process what he had just said, his soft lips came in contact with the skin of my neck.

My eyes instantly fluttered shut in response to his actions, my head slowly tilting to the right to grant him more access.

I could feel a small smile forming on his lips as I continued to do so, which snapped me back to reality. I quickly shut the sink off and cleared my throat, stepping away.

"This is wrong, I can't do this," I said, looking directly at him. He took a step forwards, causing me to take a step backwards, until I bumped into the counter. He continued to come towards me, resting both hands on the counter on either side of me. I was trapped, but I wasn't really complaining.

"Maggie, you can't honestly tell me that you aren't attracted to me," he said, looking straight down into my eyes.

"Well I'm not," I lied.

"So you don't like when I do this?" He asked, bending down to place more kisses on my neck.

A faint, breathy moan escaped my lips as he found my sweet spot, and began to suck on it gently.

He stood back up straight with a cocky grin, "That's what I thought," he said.

"That doesn't change the fact that this is wrong. You're my teacher, I'm your student, and we can't do this. I shouldn't even be here," I said, beginning to get flustered, unsure of what to do.

He sighed, beginning to realize how far he'd crossed the line. He stepped away from the counter, letting me walk away.

"Shit, I'm sorry Maggie, I-I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say," he said, looking down at the floor as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's fine, I just...I think I'm gonna head home," I said, stepping past him to head into the entry way.

"Thank you for dinner," I said after slipping on my shoes. "I'll see you tomorrow," I added with a tight smile, heading out the front door.


My alarm went off just as it does every week day morning, but I was already awake. In fact, I'd barely slept. All I could think about was how my teacher kissed my neck. My hot, older teacher kissed down my neck. Fuck.

I rolled out of bed and hopped into the shower, hoping it would wake me up a bit. I slipped on a loose knee-length, brick colored dress, covering my shoulders with a long white cardigan. Dress codes, am I right ladies?

I put on mascara and a thin line of eyeliner, then did a dark red lip, matching the color of my dress. I dried my hair for a minute, hoping it would be at least damp when I made it to school.

I went downstairs and ate a quick breakfast, then slipped on my white vans and headed outside to my car.

On the drive to school I legitimately debated skipping. In all honesty, I really wanted to see Mr. Mendes, but I didn't want to face the tension and awkwardness that would come with what happened last night.

I took a deep breath as I walked into school, thankful that I didn't have his class for a couple more hours.


It was time. I walked to Mr. Mendes' classroom, taking my time getting there. I was in no rush to get there quickly, or to have any alone time with him.

I made it to class just before the warning bell rang, and kept my head down as I walked to my seat. I could tell he was looking at me, but I avoided looking anywhere near him as much as possible.

"Alright class, looks like everyone is here," he said, walking across the classroom and shutting the door. Damn he has a nice ass.

"Today we'll begin discussing Mesopotamia, where it all started. If you'll please flip to page 206 in your textbooks, we can begin."

Everyone groaned as they pulled out their books, not wanting to officially start school yet. We read through the chapter together, Mr. Mendes occasionally writing notes on the chalkboard. When there were twenty minutes left in class, he gave us an assignment.

"Please complete the chapter one assessment on page 218, but you may skip question four. Give good answers, please, this will be your first graded assignment. When you've finished come up and place your paper on my desk please. You have until the end of class."

I answered the questions easily but carefully, wanting to make sure I got every one correct. When I was done I reached over and placed my paper into his desk.

"Wow Mags, nice hickey," laughed the jock who was sitting behind me.

Shawn gave me a hickey? You've got to be fricking kidding me.

"Bryce, that's enough. For all you know she could've burned herself doing her hair. It happens, get over it," Mr. Mendes was quick to say. Props to him for knowing girls accidentally burn their necks curling or straightening their hair, I wouldn't have thought of that excuse.

When class was over I tried to get out of there as quickly as possible, but of course I wasn't fast enough.

"Maggie, please shut the door and return to your seat," he said sternly. I did as he asked, sitting back down in my seat and making eye contact with him for the first time today.

"We need to talk."

Mr. MendesWhere stories live. Discover now