XVI - Arousal

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I stepped out of my car and onto the pavement, closing the door behind me. I sighed and took a deep breath, staring at the large school building in front of me.

I hate school.

I walked inside and headed to my locker, placing my things inside and grabbing what I needed for study hall in Mr. Mendes' class. Right as I shut my locker, Molly came up to me.

"Mags! Where the hell have you been? I feel like we haven't hung out in forever!" She laughed, resting her shoulder against the locker next to mine.

"I know, I'm sorry Molls, I've just been kind of busy," I shrugged.

"Want to ditch first period? We both have study hall anyways so it's not like we'll miss anything. We can go grab coffee and catch up," she suggested.

"Umm, I don't know," I said. I didn't want to skip study hall because I have it in Shawn's classroom, but if I said no Molly might grow suspicious.

"Come on, you never have a problem going. Why now?" She asked. A second later her face lit up, a gasp escaping her lips.

"You like a boy in your study hall, don't you?" She whisper yelled, a smile stretching across her face.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Shawn. "No, I don't," I told her, looking down at the floor

"Mags you're blushing and smiling, you totally do!" She said, linking her arm in mine as we walked down the hallway.

"What are you doing? You have study hall in Mrs. Meyer's room, that's in the other direction," I pointed out.

"I know, but I want to see who's in your study hall and try to figure out who you like," she grinned.

"Good luck with that one, Moll," I mumbled under my breath.

Soon we arrived at Mr. Mendes' room, and we both walked in towards my desk. I sat down in my seat as Molly stood in front of it, casually observing the room and the people in it.

"Miss Facet, I believe you have study hall in another classroom?" Shawn asked Molly, raising an eyebrow at her. He wasn't being demanding, just playful. I like his sarcastic side.

"You're right, sir, I just have an important task at hand," she told him, making me laugh a bit. "I'll be out in less than a minute," she told him. He nodded and returned his attention to the stack of papers on his desk.

Molly walked to the back off the classroom, going to talk to another girl from the volleyball team as she observed the guys in the room. I glanced over at Shawn as he looked up at me, both of us giving each other a soft smile. When no one else was looking, I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed quietly and shook his head, returning to his grading.

"I know who it is!" She whisper yelled, bending down next to me as the classroom began to fill up, "I know who you like!" She said.

Shawn shifted uncomfortably in his seat, acting like he wasn't paying attention when he obviously was.

"You totally have a thing for Bryce Teller!" She squealed quietly, only loud enough for me, and unfortunately Shawn, to hear.

He looked up at me with questioning eyes and I discreetly shook my head at him, hoping he'd know that Molly was wrong.

"What the hell? Molly, he has the IQ of a brick and the only things he cares about are his sports teams and how many cheerleaders he can fuck at one party," I said, and I swear I saw Shawn try to stifle a laugh.

Molly playfully rolled her eyes, standing up straight and getting ready to head to her class. "Whatever, I'll believe you when you tell me who it really is," she said, walking towards the door.

"Goodbye Mr. Mendes, I'm on my way out now," she called.

"Goodbye Molly, it's always a pleasure," he said, a hint of sarcasm in his tone.


It was finally time for Shawn's class. I walked in, a few minutes early as usual, closing the door behind me. I shut the small shade that covered the door's window and turned the lock.

Shawn stayed sitting at his desk, doing something on his phone. I walked over to my desk and set my bag on top of my chair, walking towards Shawn.

"Hello Maggie," he smiled setting his phone down on his desk.

"Hi Shawn," I said, sitting side-saddle across his lap. I draped my right arm around his shoulder, resting the other on his chest. He grabbed the side of my left thigh with his right hand, wrapping his left arm around me and resting his hand on my waist.

I leaned in resting my forehead against his, closing my eyes.

"Did you wear a skirt today just so you could do this?" he asked, his lips brushing against mine.

"Maybe," I smirked, biting my lip.

He slowly inched his large hand up my bare leg, and underneath my maroon skater skirt. His thumb made soft circles on the inside of my thigh, only a few inches down from my center.

I leaned in and softly kissed his lips, bringing my left hand up to cup his cheek.

"Did you have a good day so far?" I asked, pulling back to look at him.

"It's a lot better now," he winked, making me chuckle. "Except I heard you like Bryce Teller," he joked.

"Molly is something special alright," I laughed, rubbing my thumb in soothing motions across his cheek.

The first warning bell rang in the hallway, signaling that students would be coming in soon.

"I should probably go unlock the door," I laughed.

"I think they can wait a few more seconds," he smirked, pushing his supple lips against mine.

I kissed him back passionately, running my fingers through his hair. I stopped the kiss suddenly, swinging my legs off his lap. I adjusted my body, gently pushing down on his lap, before standing up and sauntering towards the door.

"Shit, Maggie, don't do that," he whined.

For the rest of the class, Shawn sat at his desk with his jacket over his lap.

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