XXXI - Raising Suspicion

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I explained to Shawn that Elena had been here before Shawn got home, and that she asked me to be a model for her fashion photography class assignment.

"I don't think that's a very good idea," he said.

"Why not? She needed a favor and I like helping people. It's not like she has any way of finding out about us. The only way she'd know is if I told her and I'm obviously not going to," I pointed out.

"I just don't like the idea of my girlfriend and my ex-girlfriend hanging out."

"Everything will go fine babes," I reassured him, kissing his cheek.

I took my phone from his hand and opened Elena's text

Hey Maggie! I was thinking we could shoot at the meadow on Saturday during sunset. Does that work for you?

Yeah, sounds good. Should I wear anything specific or do my hair and makeup a certain way?

Don't worry about it, I've got it all covered(:

"See? Nothing to worry about," I smiled at Shawn.

He playfully rolled his eyes, getting up off the couch.

"What do you want for dinner?" He yelled to me from the kitchen.

"Can we order pizza?" I called back.

A moment later I could hear him on the phone, ordering a medium Hawaiian pizza. He already knew my favorite.

"They should be here in twenty minutes," he said, sitting back down beside me on the couch.

Eighteen minutes later the delivery car pulled into the driveway.

Shawn got up and walked to the front door, grabbing his wallet off of the small table that stood beside the large door. After pulling out the appropriate amount of compensation, he opened the door for the delivery guy.

"Oh, hello Mr. Teller," Shawn laughed.

"Hi Mr. Mendes," the familiar voice replied. It was Bryce.

"Have you been enjoying your day off?" Shawn asked, exchanging the pizza box for the money.

"Well I decided to pick up an extra shift, so it's going just as well as you'd expect," he chuckled slightly.

"Alright, well I'll see you tomorrow Bryce, thank you for the pizza," Shawn smiled.

"Have a goodnight, Sir," Bryce replied, walking back to his car.

Shawn brought the pizza into the kitchen and set it on the counter as I entered the room.

"Was that Bryce?" I asked, pulling a slice of pizza out of the box.

"Yeah, it was," Shawn answered, walking over to one of the cabinets, "Do you want anything to drink?"

"Water, please," I mumbled, my mouth full of the delicious pizza.

He took out two glasses and brought them over to the fridge, getting my water and pouring an iced tea for himself.

"Thank you, for the water and the pizza," I grinned, grabbing my second slice.

"Of course hun," he replied sweetly, grabbing a slice for himself.

We both stood on opposite ends of the kitchen island, talking about this and that as we ate the pizza. It was gone in a matter of minutes, no surprise.

After we ate we headed back into the living room, watching a few episodes of That 70's Show. After the third episode, I looked at my phone to check the time. After seeing that it was 7:39pm, I noticed I had a text.

It was from Bryce.

Come to my house at 8. We need to talk.

About what?

Mr. Mendes

I swallowed hard, my heart beat beginning to quicken.

"Um, I should get going," I said quickly, startling Shawn.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, following me as I quickly walked to the front door.

"Yeah, everything is perfect," I fake smiled, "thanks again for dinner. I had a great time today," I said, quickly leaning up to kiss him.

"Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow," I added as I quickly went out the door before he could say another word.

After getting in the car I took out my phone and texted Bryce.

I'm on my way

I was incredibly nervous the whole ride there, wondering what Bryce had to say. Did he see me at Shawn's today? There's no way he could've, he never came inside.

I took a deep breath as I parked in his driveway, taking my keys out of the ignition. By the looks of it, only Bryce was home.

I got out of my car and walked to the front door, raising my shaky hand to knock on the wood.

A moment later the door opened. "Hey Mags," Bryce greeted, "come on in."

I quietly thanked him as I stepped inside the warm, cozy house.

"Let's go to my room," he said, and I silently followed him there.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked, taking a seat on his bed as he closed the door.

He sat in the swivel chair at his desk, turning it around to face my direction.

"I know you were at Mr. Mendes' house today," he said.

"How?" I asked, knowing there was no use in lying.

"I recognized your car in the driveway when I delivered the pizza. Plus, I know Hawaiian is your favorite," he explained, smiling softly at the last part.

I stayed silent for a moment, unsure of what to say.

"Are you going to tell anyone?" I asked quietly, looking down at my lap as I nervously played with my fingers.

"No, of course not. Mags, I promise I won't tell anyone," he said sincerely.

"Then why did you ask me to come here?" I asked, looking back up at him.

"I want you to do a favor for me."


Thank you so much for 5.1k reads! All of your reads mean so much to me and I absolutely love getting your votes and comments!❤️

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