XLIV - Shattered

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I could feel the color drain from my face as I opened the door, my lips quivering as a sob threatened to spill out from between them. My eyes were glossed over, but I could still clearly see Shawn, with Elena on top of him.

"Shawn?" I choked out, his name coming out of my mouth sounding weak and fragile. My voice was so small that I assumed he wouldn't hear me, but he did.

"Oh my god," he gasped, immediate regret and sadness washing over his face as he saw me. He instantly took Elena off of him, rushing to pull on some boxers and sweatpants.

I quickly walked down the hallway, going down the stairs as fast as I could. I didn't want to be near Shawn, and I especially didn't want Elena to see me and know I was Shawn's girlfriend. I walked out of his house fast, slamming the front door. I was halfway down the driveway when I heard the front door open and close behind me, my pace quickening because I knew it was Shawn following me.

"Maggie!" he called from behind me as I began to cry.

"Maggie, please wait!" he called again, his hand gently grabbing my left shoulder and turning me around to face him.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled, taking a step back from him. The rain was beginning to fall much harder than it had before, soaking me completely.

"Let me explain," he begged, his expression showing how sorry he felt. His eyes were filled with regret as the rain matted his hair down, the droplets dripping down his bare chest.

"No! This was all a mistake, Shawn. You and me, together? Did we really think that would work?" I said, starting to become so angry that I let out a sharp laugh.

"Maggie please, you don't understand. This wasn't my idea, it was all-"

"I don't give a shit if it was your idea or not Shawn, you cheated on me!" I exclaimed, crying harder by the second.

His eyes started to become red and puffy, a pained expression on his face. "You don't even know how awful I feel right now," he said, reaching for my hands.

"Wow. You really think I'm going to feel sorry for you? How do you think I feel? I just walked in on my boyfriend having sex with his ex girlfriend! How do you think that makes me feel, Shawn? Because it sure as hell doesn't feel good!" I lashed out at him, taking another step back when he tried to hold my hands in his.

"I said don't touch me! You don't get to hold my hands and try to apologize, Shawn, because it's not okay. It feels like someone just ripped my heart right out of my chest," I cried, beginning to feel overwhelmed by all of my emotions.

The loud sound of the rain falling heavily against the pavement mixed with the sound of my heartbeat, the noises pounding in my head. I ran my fingers through my soaking wet hair, gently gripping the roots as I shook my head.

I never cry, ever. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, it's just not something I do. So now I'm standing in Shawn's driveway in the dark and pouring rain, letting out every single tear I've built up over the last however many years.

"Maggie please, I love you," he said, his voice cracking as tears rolled down his cheeks, mixing with the rain.

"No. If you really fell in love with me you wouldn't have fallen into bed with her," I spat bitterly.

"Give me the chance to explain!" he said, his voice raising for the first time tonight.

"I don't want to hear any of your excuses! They're not going to change the fact that I just caught you cheating on me. I feel so humiliated!"

"You don't understand, I-"

"I don't understand what?" I cut him off, "That I love you more than anything and you just completely shattered my heart? I've never felt this way about anyone, and you took my trust for granted. If you wanted to get back with Elena you should've told me, not hooked up with her behind my back. You know damn well just how much I love you and how much you mean to me. Why wasn't that enough for you?"

"I don't want to get back together with her! I only want you, Maggie. I'm so in love with you. You are more than enough for me, I don't deserve you in the least bit."

Just then, I heard a car door close. I turned around to see Bryce jogging up the driveway towards us. Oh, great.

"Mr. Teller, what are you doing here?" Shawn asked, sounding more curious and concerned than anything.

"I drove Maggie here," he said, "Mags, I think you should go." he said, turning to face me.

"Wait, he knows about us?" Shawn asked me a bit angrily.

"Yeah, he does," I said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"And you never bothered to tell me this? How could you just stand here lecturing me about trust, when you never even told me that you were going around telling people about us?" he exclaimed, running his fingers through his hair.

"Are you really trying to turn this on me right now? You just fucking cheated on me and you're yelling at me for telling my best friend, who is actually trustworthy, about my boyfriend? You're ridiculous!" I yelled.

"You know what? I'm done," I laughed blandly, "Have fun with Elena, Shawn. I hope she was worth it," I said bitterly, walking down the driveway and getting into Bryce's car.

"I'm so sorry Maggie," Bryce said, immediately wrapping me in a tight hug as I sobbed into his shoulder. The only noise was the pouring rain tapping loudly against the roof of the car, muffling my endless sobs.

After a few minutes Bryce began to drive away. "You shouldn't go home like this, your mom will just keep asking you what happened. How about you text her and say you're staying at a friend's? My parents aren't home, you can stay at my place for the night."

I nodded my head as I quietly thanked him, bringing my shaky hands down to my pocket to take out my phone and text my mom.


I'm the Bryce of my friend group, I wish someone was a Bryce to me😂

I actually really like this chapter for some reason lol and I really hope you all liked it too!! Don't forget to vote if you did💘

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