IV - Spandex

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At lunch I told Molly all about what had happened during my first class. She was practically squealing, occasionally drawing the attention of the surrounding lunch tables.

"Mags, the hot older guy who told you that you looked good in that lingerie is your teacher! Oh my god I can't handle this!" she said, taking a sip of water.

I laughed slightly and shook my head, "I still can't believe he basically asked me if I thought he was cute or not," I told her.

"You should've said yes," she told me.

"That would've been so awkward!" I said, causing us both to laugh. A few girls from volleyball and my history class, Olivia, Josette, and Weronika, came to sit with us.

"Mags, what do you think of Mr. Hottie?" Jo asked as she took a seat across from me.

"Mr. Hottie? Really guys?" I joked. Everyone laughed as they took their seats and began to eat.

"You have to admit he's super cute, and he was totally checking you out when you were doing the writing assignment," Olivia said.

"He was not!" I exclaimed, feeling a blush crawling onto my cheeks.

"You're blushing! You totally think he's cute!" Weronika laughed, pointing at my cheeks as they grew into a deeper shade of pink.

"He's coming this way!" Molly said quietly, making all the girls go silent and look in his direction.

"Hi Mr. Mendes," they all cooed, but he kept his eyes on me the whole entire time.

"Good afternoon girls," he smiled, and with that he had passed our table.


After school we had volleyball tryouts. I've been playing on varsity since my sophomore year, so I wasn't too worried about it. I stood in front of the mirror in the locker room, putting my hair into two french braids. I put on my black spandex and tight, plum colored long sleeve that I still had from last year's season. I slipped on my black knee high socks and Adidas sneakers, then headed out onto the court.

When tryouts were over Molly, Olivia and I walked out of the gym. We walked down the hallway together, heading towards the front doors.

"I forgot my phone charger in my locker, I'll meet you guys in the car," I said, turning down the next hallway as they went out into the parking lot.

A minute later I made it to my locker and grabbed my phone charger. I placed it inside my bag and closed the locker door, beginning to walk down the hallway. Just as I turned the corner I saw Mr. Mendes, heading in my direction. He was reading the stack of papers that he held in his hands, oblivious to the fact that I was only twenty feet away from him. A moment later he picked his head up, a small smile forming when he saw me.

"It's almost five thirty, why are you still at school?" he asked as he stopped walking when we reached each other.

"Volleybal tryouts," I said, motioning to the gym bag hanging off my shoulder.

"Oh right, I can see that," he said, his gaze traveling down my body for a brief moment. "I've never really played volleyball, but I must say I am a fan of the shorts," he joked.

I rolled my eyes playfully and walked past him, heading for the doors that lead to the parking lot. "Goodnight Mr. Mendes, see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight, Miss Peréz," he replied as I walked out the door.

I got into the backseat of Molly's car, since Olivia had taken shotgun, and they both turned around to face me.

"We saw you talking to Mr. Hottie through the doors," Molly said, raising her eyebrows up and down at me.

"So now you two are stalking me?" I joked, trying to avoid the conversation.

"What'd you two talk about?" Olivia asked, both girls still turned around in their seats to face me.

"He just asked why I was there and I said volleyball, that was it," I said.

"Now that he's seen you in those spandex he won't be able to resist you," Olivia winked.

"Liv!" I laughed.

"Come on Mags you have a smoking hot body and you know it," Molly said, "and now Mr. Mendes does too," she added. I playfully slapped her arm and we all laughed, the two girls turning back around to sit in their seats.

"Want to go out to eat?" Olivia asked, plugging the aux cord into her phone.

"Yesss," Molly and I said at the same time as she turned the keys in the ignition. "Where to?" she asked.

"Five Guys?" I suggested, "I could really go for a burger right now," I said.

"Sure thing, Liv is that good with you?"

"Definitely," she answered as In the Name of Love began to play through the car speakers.


(A/N: How do you guys like the story so far?)

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