XXII - Questions

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"How did your afternoon go? With Bryce, I mean," he asked as he sat down on his couch.

I laid down on my back and rested my head on his lap, looking up at him. "It was good, it went much better than expected," I said, letting out a small laugh.

"I'm glad," he smiled down at me. He laid his left hand on my stomach, gently stroking my hair with his right.

I closed my eyes out of pure bliss, a small smile pulling on my lips.

"You're so beautiful, Maggie," he said just above a whisper. I opened my eyes and leaned up, gently connecting my lips with his.

I brought my right hand up to softly cup his jaw, looking into his eyes as our faces were only centimeters apart.

"I really like you," I confessed, biting my lip.

"The feeling is mutual," he smirked, kissing me forcefully.

The kiss broke apart a minute later, as I couldn't get myself to stop smiling.

"I should probably get home, my mom will be back from work soon. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" he nodded as I kissed his cheek, getting off the couch and walking myself out.


I walked in the door and dropped my bag off my shoulder, letting it land on the floor with a thud.

"Mamí, I'm home!" I shouted, walking towards the kitchen.

"Aquí!" (in here) she yelled back, taking a tray out of the oven.

"What's all this, ma? You didn't have to make dinner, you've been cooking all day at work," I smiled, walking around the island and kissing her cheek.

"I know, but I feel like we haven't talked in a while. I wanted to make us a nice dinner so we can catch up. I made Cuban tamales, and black beans and rice."

"That sounds great. I'll be down soon, I'm just going to take a quick shower."

"Okay, dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes mija," she called to me as I went up the stairs.


After I showered I went down to eat dinner. I grabbed a plate from the counter and served myself, walking over to the dining room. I pulled out a chair and sat across from my mom, beginning to eat.

"Muchas gracias por la cena mamá, es delicioso," (Thank you so much for dinner mom, it's delicious)  I said, taking another bite of my tamale.

"De nada cariño," (you're welcome honey) "So what's been going on lately?"

"School is fine, boring as always." Except I'm kind of dating my super hot teacher

"Any interesting classes?" she asked.

"I have an ancient Egyptian history class, I like that one." Mostly because my teacher is hotter than the Egyptian sun

"You know, parent teacher conferences are coming up next week." I nearly choked on my water. "Is there anyone you're excited for me to meet? Who's your favorite teacher?"

"Um, there isn't really anyone special for you to meet. My favorite is Mr. Mendes, my history teacher," I answered. Why couldn't I have just come up with a lie?

"Why is he your favorite?" she asked, continuing to badger me with questions. I knew she meant well, I just didn't want to talk about the fact that I'm basically dating my teacher.

"He's, um, a very good teacher. Very caring." and good with his hands I thought to myself.

"Well I'll get to meet him this coming Tuesday, at quarter of six I believe. You're supposed to be there, too. I know you would've just gotten out of practice but that's the only time I could get off from work," she explained.

"Okay, that's no problem. I'll be there," I smiled, taking another bite of my food.

When dinner was over I did the dishes, helping my mom clean up. After that I went up to my room, flopping down onto my bed. Just as I opened my laptop, with the intention of watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix, Shawn texted me.

What are you doing after school before practice tomorrow?

Going to the library with Bryce to work on our project.


Did you want to hangout? I can just reschedule with him. He can come over after practice instead

No, it's fine. Don't invite him over. Do we still have our date this weekend?

Wouldn't miss it for the world (:

Great. Can't wait x

Me either xx

By the way, you'll get to meet my mom next week

Oh right, parent teacher conferences. That might be a little awkward LOL

Haha yeah I guess, we'll just have to try to act normal

Maggie have you noticed the way I look at you?


There's no way I can just act 'normal' when I look at you like you're best damn thing in the world. I don't even do it on purpose, I just can't help it

Aww Shawn that's so sweet xx

No one has ever made me feel this way, or this deeply, before Maggie

I could say the same

I smiled at my phone as we said our goodnights. I placed my phone on my nightstand and rolled over, happy to finally get some sleep.

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