XXI - Project

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"You'll have the next three days to complete this project. I expect it to be on my desk by the end of the school day on Friday. Now, I'll randomly draw names to pick your partners," Shawn explained after giving us the directions for the project.

He continued to pull names from a hat, randomly selecting who would be working together.

"Maggie Pérez," he said, "you'll be working with...Bryce Teller," he announced, his mood dropping noticeably.


The last thing I wanted was to spend the next three days with Bryce, especially after school.

Before he could remind us of the project deadline one last time, the bell rang signaling the end of class. Shawn sighed and walked back to his desk, slumping down into his seat.

"Alright, babe, come over after practice so we can do this project," Bryce said, coming up behind me and standing in front of my desk. "Feel free to leave the spandex on," he said with a wink.

"Mr. Teller," Shawn said a bit loudly, "don't make me find a new partner for you," he warned.

Bryce groaned and left the classroom, and I turned to face Shawn. I mouthed a 'thank you' and gave him a soft smile, tossing my bag over my shoulder.


After practice I slipped on my gray sweatpants, leaving my maroon quarter zip on. I took my hair out of its French braids and tossed it into a messy bun. I have no one to impress.

I got in my car and begrudgingly began to drive to Bryce's house. When I pulled into his driveway a few minutes later, I noticed that only his car was in the driveway.

We're home alone. Great.

I got out of my car and walked to the front door, reaching for the doorbell just as the door swung open.

There stood Bryce, in nothing but black sweatpants.

"Hey gorgeous," he winked, "come on in."

I entered the house as he stepped aside, closing the door behind me.

"We can go up to my room. It's up the stairs, second door on the left," he told me.

I did as he instructed, hearing him follow me up the stairs. Although I couldn't see him, I just knew he was staring at my ass the whole entire time.

I walked into his room and set my bag down on his desk. I pulled out the swivel chair and took a seat, turning it around to look at him as he sat down on the edge of his bed.

"Why don't you have a shirt on?" I asked.

He cocked his head to the side, a fake pout forming on his lips. "You don't like the view?" He teased, his pout soon turning into a smirk.

I'd be lying if I said he wasn't attractive. He was hot as hell, actually. But I had Shawn. Shawn was all I could ever ask for and more.

"Let's just get started on the project," I groaned, spinning around in the chair to grab my bag.

I pulled out my history book and the directions for the assignment, and we started coming up with ideas for our project.


An hour later we'd finally compromised on a great idea, and made the outline for our paper.

"I'm gonna go get a water, do you want anything?" He asked, getting up from his bed.

"I'm all set thanks."

He smiled and nodded, then left the room to go downstairs.

I pulled out my phone to check my texts; Shawn's notifications instantly catching my eye.

How's it going?

I know you're working on your project but I'm getting worried xx

I know I'm probably being annoying but if he touches you I'll hurt him and give him a failing grade

I laughed quietly to myself and shook my head at my phone, appreciating his occasional clinginess. It was cute.

Everything is fine hun x

Can I come over after I'm done here? It should be in about ten minutes

He texted back almost instantly.

Of course. Can't wait to see you

I put my phone away when Bryce came back, flopping face first into his bed.

"Um, I'm probably going to head out soon. But if you want to hangout in the library at school before my practice tomorrow we can do that," I suggested.

He sat up and ran his fingers through his hair. "Yeah, sounds good," he smiled, "I'll walk you out."

We both made our way downstairs, saying our goodbyes before I got in my car. That went so much better than I expected. Maybe Bryce isn't as bad as I thought after all.


I pulled into Shawn's driveway and stepped out of my car, walking towards the all-too-familiar house.

I knocked on the door a few times before he opened it, greeting me with a smile.

"Hi Mags, come on in."

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