XXLII - Exes and Expectations

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FUCK ME UP Mendes😩😍👅❤️ holy shit he's so attractive, it kills me


I woke up the next morning wrapped up in Shawn's arms, a few rose petals still left on the comforter. Since he took me out to dinner last night, I decided that I would make Shawn some breakfast. I tried to roll over and get out of bed, but Shawn pulled me closer into his body.

"Stay," he mumbled quietly, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.

"I'm gonna go make us breakfast, you can stay here and sleep until I'm done," I said softly, gently running my fingers in lazy shapes through his hair as he rested his head on my chest.

"We can eat later, please lay with me," he said, beginning to place soft, warm kisses on my collar bone.

"Shawn, stop," I laughed.

"That's not what you were yelling last night. Not the first time, not during the second time, and definitely not during the thi-"

"Okay! I get it," I replied, my cheeks becoming flushed as I could feel him smirking against my skin.

"Fine, I'll lay with you for a while longer," I sighed, giving in as I pulled the black silk sheet higher over our naked bodies, drifting back to sleep.

We were woken up a little while later when my phone began to ring.

It was Elena.

"What the hell? Don't answer it," Shawn said sleepily, rolling over into his stomach to go back to sleep.

I hesitated for a moment before accepting the call.


"Hey Mags! What are you up to?" Elena said happily.

"Oh, nothing much. Just laying in bed," with your ex boyfriend I thought to myself, "Why do you ask?"

"I need a few more test shoots for my photography class. You did so amazing last time, I was wondering if you could help me out again please?"  She asked.

"Yeah, sure. What time do you want to do this?"  I asked her as Shawn began ghosting his finger tips up and down my inner thigh.

I quickly pressed my phone against my shoulder so Elena couldn't hear me. "Stop it," I whispered sharply to Shawn, gently slapping his hand away from my thigh and making him chuckle.

"Does that work for you?" Elena questioned as I held the phone back up to my ear.

"I'm sorry, what was that? I got distracted," I said, sending Shawn a playful glare as he smirked at me.

"That's okay," she laughed, "I asked if you could meet at my house in an hour? I'll text you the address."

"Yeah, sounds good. I'll see you soon," I said, hanging up the phone.

"Another photoshoot?" Shawn asked when I laid back down.

"Yeah, I have to be at her place in an hour," I informed him.

"Well, no offense hun, but you should probably shower first. The 'I had sex three times last night' look isn't exactly the most photoshoot appropriate," he laughed, tucking a strand of my messy hair behind my ear.

"How about you come with me and make it four?" I offered, biting my lip.

"Absolutely," he smirked.


I knocked on the door of Elena's (technically her parent's) house. She opened up almost immediately, pulling me into a tight hug as always.

"Hi Mags! Come on in," she invited.

"So this is another makeup free and natural hair shoot, and I'm just going to have you wear this champagne colored silk slip. Is that okay?"

"Sounds great," I smiled following her up to her bedroom.

"It's crazy to think I'm back living in my childhood bedroom," she randomly said, her back turned to me as I changed into the outfit she wanted me to wear.

"I always thought I'd marry Shawn, and we'd live together in his gorgeous house until we picked another state to move to. And we'd start a family and have an amazing life together. You know, this room is where we first had se-"

"Okay!" I said a bit too loudly, "I'm changed," I said, cutting her off before she could go into detail about the first time she had sex with Shawn. I felt a little bit bad, because I'm partly the reason why Shawn broke up with her.

During the whole entire shoot she kept talking about her and Shawn, telling me about all the great memories they had together.

"I need to win him back," she said, lowering the camera and looking at me.

"I-I need to get Shawn back. Sure, I fought for him when he broke up with me, but not as hard as I should've. I've been miserable since we split and he probably has been too," she began to rant, making me scoff quietly as she continued on about how much Shawn probably misses her.

"That's it. I'm going to go over his place tonight and talk to him. I'll bring a bottle of wine, we'll drink as we talk about us and how to work out our problems. If I'm lucky, the night will end with him taking me up to his room. I have to do this Maggie, don't you think?"

"I don't know, I don't think it's a good idea Elena. Shawn's my teacher, I see him almost every day. He seems happy, like he's moved on. I actually think he might be seeing someone."

I could see the lights behind her eyes dim as I said that Shawn might be seeing someone, her optimistic expression immediately leaving her face.

"Oh. Well the next time you see him could you maybe tell him I said hello?"

"Of course," I fake smiled, trying to give her my most comforting look.

After taking a few more photos, Elena said she has everything she needs.

"Great. How about I go put my clothes back on, then we can talk about Shawn a bit more, okay?" I offered, grabbing my jeans and sweater off of her dresser.

"Okay!" she called to me as I walked out of her bedroom and into the bathroom to change.


Honestly everything in my life has sucked so much lately and writing this story is the only thing keeping happy every day😂

Thanks so much for a little over 500 votes! So many of you vote on every single chapter and comment as well and it means so much to me❤️

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