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What a handsome, happy man😍❤️
Important A/N at the end
Only lightly edited, so please excuse any mistakes


Three months later...

I had finished moving all of my things into my dorm room earlier in the afternoon, and I had just finished organizing everything.

My mom unwillingly left a couple of hours ago, and her and Aaron went back home. I was glad I got a single room, because I had the whole space to myself.

I flopped down on my bed and let it all sink in. I'm in college.

I haven't spoken to Shawn since graduation. I spent all summer feeling miserable, completely shattered from our unexpected break up. I missed him more than anything, and still love him just as much.

I spent the summer mostly in my room, crying and eating ice cream. Yep, that's right, I turned into your stereotypical 'I just got dumped' girl. And you know what? I'm okay with that.

I'd lay awake at night thinking about Shawn, and wondering how he was feeling. Did he miss me too? Has he already moved on?

I shook all of these thoughts from my head and got off of my bed, going to my small closet to hang up some of my clothes.

I was interrupted when there was a knock on my door, causing me to set down the dress I was putting on a hanger.

When I opened the door, my eyes were met with the last person I expected to see.


I felt the color drain from my face as I stared at him, my lips parting slightly in disbelief.

"Hi Maggie," he spoke gently, slipping his hands into his pockets. He always did that when he was nervous.

"Shawn?" I questioned, my voice coming out just above a whisper.

"Can I please come in?" I nodded and stepped aside, letting him in and closing the door.

I took in his appearance as he walked into my room, and my heart skipped a beat. His hair had gotten a bit longer, making his soft curls more prominent. He wore his usual black boots and skinny jeans, but he was wearing a red, short sleeve button up with an obscure pattern only he could pull off. The top few buttons where undone, and I'd be lying if his appearance didn't make my knees go weak.

"I'm so sorry Maggie, for everything. I don't know what took over me back in the car at your graduation. I was just so caught up in the moment and overwhelmed after I found out you'd kept such a big secret from me. God, letting you go was the biggest mistake of my life."

"It's been over three months, Shawn. Why wait this long to tell me that?" I asked, watching as he sat down on the edge of my bed.

"I thought you would want nothing to do with me. I figured you would have moved on fairly quickly."

"Moved on?" I scoffed, "Far from it. I spent the whole entire summer feeling empty after you broke up with me. I was beyond miserable for months and you didn't even care," I said, crossing my arms as I stood in front of him.

"Of course I cared! I couldn't stand to live with myself knowing that I had hurt you. I kept telling myself that I needed to let you go but I just couldn't. I love you so much Maggie, please."

"I love you too, Shawn," I said just above a whisper, tears welling up in my eyes. "I'm sorry that I lied to you, this whole entire thing is all my fault," I said, taking a seat beside him.

"No, baby, this isn't your fault," he soothed, turning and taking my hands in his.

Even the simple touch sent electricity through my body.

God, I missed him.

"I shouldn't have just ended things like that. We were so in love, and I threw that all away because I got caught up in a bad moment. I can promise you that breaking up with you was the biggest mistake of my life. There aren't enough words to explain how much I love you, and I'd spend the rest of my life with you if given the chance. Please, give me a second chance?" he said, looking into my eyes with a mix of complete guilt and adoration.

I thought for a moment, but deep down I knew I'd be crazy to say anything but yes.

"Okay," I breathed, a huge smile breaking out on his face, making me smile as well.

He leaned in and kissed me, and I instantly melted into his touch that I had missed so much.

"I love you so much Maggie, forever," he said, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck as he hugged me tightly.

"I love you too Shawn," I smiled, "forever."

We sat there on the edge of my bed, just holding each other for what seemed like hours. Held me so tightly as if to say he was never going to let me go ever again.

And he never did.

❤︎The End!❤︎


So that's it! They lived happily ever after.😂

Tbh knowing that this is the final chapter is making me emotional right now😂

A lot of you have been asking me to make a sequel, so I just wanted to say:

I made up my mind a couple of months ago that I will not be making a sequel for this book. I lost inspiration for this storyline a little while ago, and have nowhere else for it to go. I'm sorry, but you'll just have to find comfort in the fact that Shawn and Maggie were together for the rest of their lives lol.

On the other hand...I HAVE A NEW BOOK COMING OUT SOON!!

It's called Opposites Attract, so keep an eye out for it.

Thank you all so much for all the love and support this book has gotten, it truly means the world to me. Ending this book is so bittersweet to me but it's time to move on the another story.


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