XLIII - Cheating

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It'd been a few days since I had gone over Elena's, and since I had managed to convince her to let Shawn go for good.

I was laying in bed on Wednesday evening, thankful that it was finally February vacation week. I decided to text Shawn.

Want to come over? My mom won't be home for four more hours so we could watch a movie or something

I'd love to. I'll be there in half an hour x

Okay, see you soon! I love you xx

I checked my phone again ten minutes later to see if he had left his house yet, but Shawn still hadn't answered. He always tells me he loves me back, and texts me when he's on his way.

"Maybe he's just busy," I mumbled to myself, trying not to jump to any bad conclusions. However, the bad feeling beginning to form in the pit of my stomach told me I should give him a call.

The phone rang five times with no answer.

"The number you have reached is not available, please leave a message after the beep," the annoying, automated voice instructed me.

"Hey babe, just making sure you're alright. Please text or call me when you get this. Love you, bye," and with that I ended the call.

I puttered around for twenty more minutes, cleaning my room as I waited to hear from Shawn. After another fifteen minutes went by, I decided to call Bryce.

"Hey Mags," he answered after a couple rings.

"Hey, I need some help," I said, plopping down onto my bed.

"What's up?" Bryce asked, the sound of the TV in the background quieting down.

"I'm worried about Shawn. We made plans for him to come over about an hour ago, then he never texted me back. I called him like ten minutes later to see if he was on his way, and he didn't pick up. It's been almost forty minutes since then, and over an hour since I last heard from him. What if he got in an accident or something?" I explained to him.

"It's okay Mags, stay calm. I'm sure he's alright. Maybe he was busy and is just running a bit late, and his phone died or something like that. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about," he soothed, trying to keep me calm.

"I know, and I keep trying to tell myself that, I just have this really bad feeling in my stomach that tells me otherwise."

"How about this: I'll come pick you up in ten minutes, and we can swing by Shawn's. Since he doesn't know that I know you two are together, I'll park across the street or something like that. I don't think you should be driving when you're this nervous and have so many thoughts going on," he offered.

"That'd be great. Thank you so much Bryce, you're such great friend," I smiled, earning a laugh from him in response.

"Anything for you bud, I'll be there in ten."

Sure enough, Bryce was in my driveway exactly ten minutes later. I locked the front door when I left, leaving a note on the counter to tell my mom that I was hanging out with Bryce.

We pulled into Shawn's neighborhood shortly after leaving my house. Bryce parked across the street, turning to face me after taking the keys out of the ignition and shutting off the car.

"The driveway is empty. Maybe he parked in the garage? He looks after his Jeep like it's a baby," I laughed quietly.

"Everything will be fine, Mags," Bryce reassured me. "Take as long as you need, I'll wait here until you're done."

"Thank you so much Bryce, I owe you one," I said as I nervously opened the car door, stepping on to Shawn's street.

It began to drizzle as I walked up to his front door, placing a few light knocks on the dark wood. I waited for a minute, receiving no answer. The bad gut feeling I had continued to worsen, so I decided to try the door knob. I know, I probably shouldn't just walk into his house, but what if he needed help?

I slowly pushed the bronzed handle down, quietly opening the door. Why was it unlocked? He always kept his doors locked.

I entered the house slowly and quietly, walking from the entry way into the living room. I was about to call out his name, until the words got caught in my throat. The fire place was lit, a couple of soft blankets tousled on the couch. But what my eyes immediately fixated on, and what caused the lump in my throat, were the two wine glasses sitting on his coffee table. One of which had a lipstick stain on the rim of the glass.

He obviously had company, and it was obviously a woman. If they weren't down here, they must've gone upstairs.

I stood at the bottom of the the white marble grand staircase, debating if I should go upstairs or not. The thought of Shawn cheating on me was enough to make me feel sick. Why would he do this to me? Why would he even bother making plans with me if he was spending his night with someone else?

A cold feeling spread through my body as I slowly made my way up the stairs, having to step over a woman's sweater at the top of the staircase. I swallowed the big lump in my throat as I followed the trail of scattered clothing that led to his closed bedroom door.

I closed my eyes as I heard faint sounds of pleasure coming from his room, silent tears beginning to roll down my cheeks.

No matter how much I wanted to run away, I couldn't. I couldn't walk away from this house knowing that my boyfriend was having sex with someone else. I placed a shaky hand on the door knob. Tightening my weak grip as I prepared myself for what I was about to see.


Sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger!

Question: What's your opinion on Shawn's new haircut?

My answer: The boy is looking mighty fine but is he looking fluffy???

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