V - The Big Game

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[This is what I picture Maggie looking like, but with very curly, long hair]

After we went to Five Guys Molly dropped Olivia and I off at our homes. I took a shower, watched some TV with my mom, then headed up to my room. I laid in bed on my phone for a while, fueling my Pinterest addiction. Right as I shut my phone off to go to bed, I got a text in our group chat.

Ronnie👸🏻: My family went out to dinner after the game and guess who I saw

Liv🙆🏼: Who??

Molly🌸: Enlighten me

Ronnie👸🏻: Mr. Hottie! But he was with a girl. I have to give him major credit though she was a babe. I mean I didn't see her face but she was hot

Maggie: Lol that's his girlfriend Ron

Liv🙆🏼: How do you know he has a girlfriend? Did he tell you that during your secret meetup after school?

Ronnie👸🏻: What secret meet up after school!?

Maggie: It wasn't a meet up, we talked in the hallway after tryouts for literally two minutes. Liv you're so extra

Molly🌸: So she knew he has a girlfriend it's no big deal. It's almost ten thirty we need to go to bed, goodnight xx

I thanked Molly in my head for covering for me as everyone texted their goodnights. I love my friends, but sometimes they tend to be a bit boy crazy. I set my alarm for tomorrow morning and went to sleep.


When I arrived at school I checked my schedule, noticing that I have Mr. Mendes' class last. The rest of the day went smoothly, nothing eventful, except for the few times I caught him staring at me during lunch. Now it was time for his class.

I walked into the classroom six minutes early, expecting it to be empty or at least have a couple of my friends there. Instead, it was just me and Mr. Mendes.

"Good afternoon Maggie," he said, not even looking up from the papers he was grading.

"Good afternoon Mendes," I responded.

He wrote a grade on the top of someone's paper, then looked up at me as I sat down. I pulled Looking for Alaska out of my backpack and began to read until class started.

"John Green, huh? He's a great writer. I like that book," he said, "Is this the first time you're reading it?" he asked.

I marked my page and closed the book, looking over at him. I laughed a bit before responding, "Not at all. This is my favorite book, I've lost count of how many times I've read it."

"That's surprising," he said with a light chuckle.


"It's a very...realistic book. You seem like you'd be more into fantasy or romance," he explained.

"Nope, I like realism. I mean don't get me wrong a summer camp romance is a great read every now and then, but something just draws me into this book I guess. Maybe it's the realism or the relatable characters, or the slight dark complexity. I don't know, honestly," I told him.

He stood up from his chair, walking over to the front of my desk. He rested his hands on the edge, his forearms facing me as he leaned forwards the slightest bit. "You're not like I expected you to be," he said.

"I guess you don't know me then," I replied, looking up directly into his eyes.

"Well when you bought that lingerie I expected it to be for a special someone, but from what I've noticed you're not a romantic and definitely single."

"Is that why you've been stalking me?" I joked, causing him to laugh a bit.

"I guess you could say that," he said, letting go of my desk and heading back to his.

Before either of us could say anything more, students began to enter the classroom. The rest of class went well, we just discussed what material we'd be covering throughout the year. When the bell rang everyone hurried out of the room, considering it was the last class on a Friday.

"Maggie? Please wait a minute," he said, calling me back into the classroom once again.

"Yes, sir?" I said, a bit agitated that he never lets me just leave the class.

"I want to talk about what happened. The other day at the mall, I mean. I don't want things to be awkward between us, seeing as we'll be spending the next nine or so months together."

"Nothing is awkward, so you don't have anything to worry about. You didn't know me or how old I am, and you especially didn't know you'd be my teacher. It was an honest mistake and that's okay. If you didn't tell me it looked good I probably wouldn't have bought it," I added, trying to lighten up the conversation.

He laughed a bit and looked at me for a moment before he spoke, "Well good then, I'm glad you bought it. I wasn't lying when I said you should."

Unsure of what to respond, I slowly started walking backwards towards the door. "Well I have to get going, have a good weekend," I said.

"Any big plans for a Friday night?" he asked me.

"There's a volleyball game tonight, but that's about it."

"Do you play varsity?" he asked, beginning to pack up his things.

A small smile grew across my face, "Yeah, this is my third year on varsity. I'm the team captain, actually."

"Well, congratulations then," he smiled, standing up out of his chair. He walked in my direction and flicked the light switch, then motioned for me to go out the door. As I turned he placed his hand on my back, following me out the door.

"Good luck tonight," he said, his hand slowly sliding farther down to my lower back.

Mr. MendesWhere stories live. Discover now