XXV - Meet the Parents

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Blessing you all with this picture that is perfection at its finest

*time jump to Tuesday after school*

I practically ran out of the locker room after practice was over, trying to get to Mr. Mendes' class as fast as possible.

I slowed down and entered his classroom, seeing my mom sitting in a chair facing Shawn's desk.

"Maggie Aleja, you're late," my mom said sternly. You know you're in trouble when they break out your middle name.

"I'm sorry, practice ran late. No need to pull out the middle name, mom," I laughed, kissing her cheek and taking a seat beside her.

"It's quite alright Miss Pérez, we only started a few minutes ago. Your mom was just telling me about how you said I'm your favorite teacher?" He smiled.

"Oh really?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at my mom.

"Oh relax, mija. It's quite alright for Mr. Mendes to know you're fond of him."

I think he already knows

"I'm quite fond of Maggie as well, Mrs. Pérez," he said, flashing his charming smile once again.

'If only she knew the extent of your words' I thought to myself.

"How's Maggie doing in your class?" My mom asked him.

"She's doing great. She's passing the class with flying colors," he told her, being over enthusiastic. "Maggie is very good at everything, including extracurriculars," he smirked, sending me a wink when my mom wasn't looking.

My eyes went wide as he tried to stifle a laugh, my mom thankfully clueless to the situation.

"You certainly have nothing to worry about, she's a phenomenal student and a great girl," he added, making me blush.

"Well I suppose if there's nothing to talk about I'll get going then," she said, standing up out of her chair. "It was so nice to meet you Mr. Mendes," she smiled, reaching out to shake his hand.

"The pleasure was all mine, Mrs. Pérez, have a nice night."

"I just have to grab a few things then I'll head home, okay?" I told my mom, giving her a hug.

"Okay, drive safely please," she warned, leaving the classroom.

I walked over and closed the door as always, a sign of relief escaping my lips.

"Well that went well, I suppose," I laughed, walking over to Shawn's desk.

I took a seat on his lap, straddling him as he placed his hands on my hips.

"I think she likes you," I smirked, leaning down to kiss him.

"Must run in the family," he joked, laughing into the kiss.

I playfully hit his chest, continuing to kiss him softly.

His teeth gently sunk into my bottom lip, eliciting a soft moan from my lips as his hands traveled down my backside and squeezed my ass.

After another moment I broke the kiss, getting off his lap.

"I really should get going. I'll talk to you tonight, okay?" I said, tossing my backpack and my volleyball bag over my shoulder.

"Drive safely," he said sweetly, "talk to you later."


I finished drying my hair and slipped on some underwear and a big t-shirt. I turned off all the lights in my room and slid into bed, going on my phone.

So I'm your favorite teacher, huh?

Go to bed Shawn

It's okay, you're probably my favorite student too

And why's that

I mean, I've seen you naked. No one else can compete with you


Are you blushing?


LOL you should get some sleep. Goodnight hun, see you tomorrow xx



"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why the Nile was so important to the Egyptian people," Shawn said, clapping his hands together and holding them in front of his chest.

I couldn't help but stare at the way his dress shirt fit a bit too tightly across his biceps, the material clinging to his toned back and chest. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, exposing the veins in his forearms.

I held the end of my pen gently between my teeth, thinking about how well his dress pants fit him. I was completely zoned out, lost in the perfection that is Shawn Mendes.

"Ahem, Miss Pérez," Shawn said, walking in front of my desk, "Welcome back from la la land," he smirked as a few of my classmates snickered.

"Sorry, sir," I blushed, looking down at my hands.

"It's quite alright," he said a bit more quietly.

When class was over I stayed behind, as always. I sat in my seat pretending to read over an assignment while waiting for everyone else to leave the classroom. When they did I didn't bother to shut the door, everyone in this hall had lunch period now.

"So what were you daydreaming about today?" he questioned me, a smirk evident on his face.

"You," I replied simply, flashing him a quick smile.

"And what about me?"

"How good you look today," I told him.

"I always look good," he joked, making an expression that suggested it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I laughed as I tossed my bag over my shoulder, standing up. "Want to come off campus with me for lunch? We can to the next town over, we have plenty of time. Everyone always goes to the fast food places down the street anyways."

"Sure," he smiled, grabbing his keys from his bag. "I'll drive."



Thank you all so so much for the amount of support I've been getting on
this book recently😍

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