XV - Babygirl

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I woke up the next morning, my legs tangled up in Shawn's. I picked my head up off his chest, smiling at the small snores escaping his slightly parted lips. His plump, soft lips that I could kiss all day.

His eyes tightly squeezed shut for a second, then he yawned and opened them.

"Good morning babygirl," he smirked. God his morning voice is so hot.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" I asked, rolling onto my stomach and propping my head on my hands to look at him.

"Like a baby," he smiled. "Want to get ready then go out for some coffee?" he asked.

"Shawn, we can't go out together. Someone might see us," I reminded him.

He thought for a moment, "Damn, that's right. We can go out of town, make a whole day out of it. Do you have any plans today?"

I shook my head no.

"Perfect, we can head out in an hour and head to the diner in Rutland about an hour from here, then go to the art museum down the street."

"Sounds great. Can I take a shower before we leave?" I asked.

"Of course, here I'll show you where everything is," he said, getting out of bed.

I followed him into the bathroom, and he gave me a towel and showed me how to use his shower. This shower probably cost more than my whole entire wardrobe, where did he get enough money for all of this? Certainly not from teaching.

"Just shout if you need anything," he said on his way out the door, "or if you want company," he said, turning around to wink before he left the room.

I playfully rolled my eyes and got undressed, stepping into the shower.


When you're in an art museum with someone as beautiful as Shawn, it's hard to pay attention to the art.

As he stood there wearing snug black jeans and a light gray t-shirt, that hugged his chest tightly and loosened towards his hips, I couldn't help but stare at him.

His delicate skin, the soft curves of his facial features, his prominent jawline, and the way his hair curled so gently that it always looked perfect.

He might've been staring at a painting, but I was the one staring at art.

Shawn Mendes is a beautifully, flawlessly sculpted piece of art.

"Love, the painting is over here," he joked, pointing at the artwork that hung on the wall after he caught me staring.

A small blush crept into my cheeks, and I sheepishly smiled as I looked at the floor. "My bad," I laughed, walking closer to him and wrapping my arms around his torso from the side. He wrapped one of his arms around me, holding me tight.

"I love this painting, it's always been one of my favorites," he said, gesturing to the one in front of us.

The painting depicted a couple holding hands from the back as they walked down a path lined with willow trees. According to the sign beside it, it was painted in the early 1900's.

"Yeah, it's beautiful," I responded.

"Just like you," he smiled cheekily, leaning down to kiss my forehead.

I blushed and let go of his body, taking his hand in mine as we continued to walk around the museum.


By now it was almost five o'clock, and Shawn and I had just pulled into his driveway. We got out of his Jeep and headed inside, going up to his bedroom to gather my things. I put everything into my bag and headed downstairs, getting ready to leave.

"I had a great time this weekend," he said, following me down the grand, white marble staircase.

Once I reached the front door I turned around to face him. "I did too," I smiled, sliding my bag off of my shoulder and gently placing it on the ground.

I took a step forwards, wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him tightly as his hands found their way to my waist.

"Thank you," I whispered, leaving a soft kiss just behind and below his ear.

"The pleasure was all mine," he smirked, pulling his head back so we were face to face. His gaze traveled from my eyes to my lips. He licked his lips just as I bit my lower one, knowing it drove him crazy.

"Fuck, Maggie," he breathed out quietly, crashing his lips against mine.

This kiss was hungry, our tongues fighting for dominance. His teeth grazed my bottom lip gently, pulling it out slightly. He attacked my lips again, heat and passion surrounding us.

His large hands slid down my backside, gripping the backs of my thighs. "Jump," he said quickly, returning to the kiss. I did as he instructed, wrapping my legs around his torso. His hands held my ass firmly as he turned, pressing my back against the wall.

His lips detached from my mine, finding their way across my jawline. "Shawn," I breathed out, just above a whisper, "I should go home," I said, tilting my head to the side to grant him access to my neck as my eyes fluttered shut. My hands found their way to his hair, tangling themselves up in his brown, soft curls.

His lips made their way down my neck, not missing a single spot. "I think," *kiss* "you could stay," *kiss* "a few more minutes," *kiss* he said, continuing to pepper kisses across my collarbone.

I placed my hands on his cheeks, gently bringing his face up to meet mine, "I need to go home," I said, looking directly into his eyes as I bit my bottom lip.

He just looked at me for a moment, before sighing and letting go of my legs. I stood up in front of him, my back still pressed against the wall. "Fine, but you're staying after study hall tomorrow morning," he winked, bending down to grab my bag for me.

I took it from his hands and headed towards the door, opening it so I could leave. "Goodbye Shawn," I called.

"Goodbye Maggie," he replied, smacking my ass as I went out the door.

Mr. MendesWhere stories live. Discover now