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Me trying to figure out where I want to go with this story lmao^


I begrudgingly woke up at 2:30am on Saturday, rolling out of bed and walking into my bathroom. I reached into the shower and turned the water on, then tied my hair up in a bun so it wouldn't get wet while I showered. The warm water rushing over my tired body helped to wake me up, but I was still exhausted.

Shawn's plane is supposed to land at 4:00am today, and I was going to surprise him by picking him up at the airport.

When I was done showering I dried myself off, then stood in front of the mirror. I brushed my teeth and put on some moisturizer, still feeling too tired to bother putting on any makeup or taking my hair out of its messy bun. I walked into my room and put on a pair of underwear and leggings, then one of Shawn's big, light gray sweatshirts. I sprayed on some perfume and grabbed my grey running sneakers, then shut off my light. I grabbed my keys off my desk and quietly opened my door, shutting it silently behind me.

When I went downstairs I left a note on the counter for my mom saying I decided to go over Liv's last night. I slipped on my shoes and quietly headed out the door.


I arrived at the airport at 3:49am, with just enough time to make it to Shawn's gate. I pulled the collar of his sweatshirt up to cover my nose and lips as I walked across the parking lot, trying to shield my face from the cold, early morning, April air. The sweatshirt smelled just like him, and only made me miss him more. Three weeks of barely any contact seemed to be all I needed to take him back. I know that I probably shouldn't take him back so easily, but I couldn't bear the thought of being without him for any longer.

I made it to his gate at 4:03am, just as the passengers started to exit the plane. I kept my eyes focused on the line of groggy people filing out of the long tunnel and into the lounge area, waiting to see Shawn. A moment later, there he was.

He was wearing light gray sweatpants and a black t-shirt, with a black sweatshirt draped over his right forearm as he held a small black backpack in his right hand. His hair was all messy and his cheeks were flushed, his lips looking plump. This was all a direct indicator that he'd just woken up from a nap, and he looked cuter than ever.

As soon as I saw him something came over me, and I quickly made my way towards him. His eyes widened when he noticed me, a huge smile forming on his adorable face. He dropped his bag and sweatshirt and immediately opened his arms as I jumped onto him, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"Maggie, what are you doing here?" he laughed, hugging me tightly.

I pulled back slightly and gently took his face between my hands, crashing my lips into his.

"Well someone missed me," he smiled into the kiss.

"Shut up," I mumbled, smiling as well.

We pulled apart and he tilted his head up to kiss my forehead.

"Not that I'm complaining, but it's four in the morning, you should be at home asleep," he said as I unwrapped my legs from his torso and stood on the ground. We kept our arms wrapped around each other, our bodies still pressed together.

"I needed to see you," I said, gently swirling my finger tips through the hair at the back of his neck as my right hand came around to cup his jaw. I rubbed my thumb over his cheek soothingly, gazing into his eyes.

"I'm so sorry for everything Maggie. I missed you so much," he said with an apologetic tone.

"It's okay baby, I forgive you," I smiled solemnly, leaning up to softly kiss him again.

After we broke apart he bent down to pick up his things, keeping his right hand intertwined with my left. We walked through the airport to retrieve his luggage, then headed out into the parking lot.

As I drove us back to his house our hands stayed intwined, resting on my lap. We sat in a comfortable silence, just enjoying being with each other again. I brought our hands up to my lips and placed a soft kiss on his knuckles, causing him to look over at me and smile. I glanced over at him and smiled in returned, focusing my attention back onto the road.

As we drove down the empty road the only sounds were John Mayer's soothing voice playing through the speakers at a low volume, and Shawn quietly humming along.

"I don't care if we don't sleep at all tonight
Let's just fix this whole thing now
I swear to God we're gonna get it right"

It was in this moment that I realized, everything I could ever want or need in life was sitting right next to me, with soft brown eyes and a loving smile.

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