XXXV - The Trip

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*time jump from the middle of October to the end of December because I'm a lazy piece of shit who doesn't want to keep writing filler chapters, sorry xx*

The past month with Shawn had been amazing. We'd go on sunset hikes every now and then, watching the sun slowly sink behind the mountain as the golden light lit up the trees that were losing their leaves.

Now it was getting to be late at night on Christmas day, and Shawn and I were cuddled up on his couch watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

We were each drinking hot chocolate, wrapped up in fuzzy blankets and each other.

"So, Maggie," he said, pausing the movie. "I have a present for you," he added, reaching underneath the table that was beside the couch. He pulled out a small box, placing it in my lap.

"Aw Shawn, you didn't have to get me anything. I thought we agreed not to do gifts?" I asked. "I feel terrible now."

"No, don't worry about it one bit. You accepting my present would be your present to me," he smiled.

"Okay?" I said nervously, beginning to open the box.

My eyes went wide and my jaw hit the floor when I saw what was in the box. It was two plane tickets to Bimini, Bahamas.

"Shawn! These must've cost a fortune! Oh my god, I can't believe this," I said excitedly, immediately throwing myself onto him and hugging him tightly.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I said repeatedly, kissing his face all over.

He laughed at my over the top excitement, enjoying my reaction. "I'm glad you like it hun," he said, cupping my cheek and kissing me firmly.

"When do we leave?" I asked.

"Tomorrow. I've been talking to your mom about it for a couple of weeks and got her permission. I told her it was a school trip to Florida," he laughed, "I feel so bad for lying."

"Don't even worry about it, we're going to Bimini!" I yelled. "Wait, did you get that idea from The Bachelor a couple weeks ago?"

"I might've," he admitted.

"But I didn't watch that episode here," I smirked. "Shawn, did you watch The Bachelor by yourself?"

"I, um, I might've," he awkwardly coughed, causing me to erupt in laughter.

After we finished our movie I headed home, wanting to pack for my trip.

"Hola mi amor," (hello my love) my mom called from the living room as I came inside the front door.

"Hi Mamí!" I called, "What are you still doing up?" I asked, taking note of the fact that it was almost 11pm.

"I wanted to see you one last time before you left for your trip. Mr. Mendes said he was picking you and your classmates up for the airport at four in the morning," she explained.

"Oh, he left out that detail," I said between gritted teeth. Dammit, Shawn

I hung out with my mom for about an hour before we said goodbye and she headed to bed, and I went to pack.

Wanting to tell someone about the exciting news, I FaceTimed Bryce.

"What's up Mags?" he said when he answered, laying in bed.

"Guess who's going to Bimini with Shawn!" I squealed, still overjoyed about the trip.

"What? That's crazy! That's so great Mags," he said.

"I know! It's gonna be amazing," I replied.

We both talked about how our Christmas went and what we did for the day while I packed.

"Okay, which black bikini should I bring?" I asked, holding up two bikinis to my phone so he could see them.

"Both. Wear the one on the left if you're just hanging out, and wear the one on the right if you want to get laid," he joked.

"Bryce!" I laughed, tossing them both into my bag.

"I know, I know, I'm just kidding. Plus, I'd rather not think about you sleeping with our teacher," he said.

I chuckled as I packed another swimsuit. "What if this trip is when we finally do it? Have sex, I mean," I mindlessly asked, double checking my packing list to make sure I had everything.

"Well do you think you're ready? To do it with him, I mean. I know you won't be losing your virginity to him but it's still a big emotional commitment," he asked.

I thought for a moment, legitimately thinking it over. "Yeah, I think so. I mean we've been together for four months, and officially together for two, is that too soon? We haven't said I love you yet. I think we both want to but we don't know if its too soon," I confessed.

"Honestly Maggie, if you're completely sure of your feelings, there's no such thing as 'too soon'. But, until your 'yeah, I think so' turns into a 'definitely', don't have sex with him. That's a big step, especially in a serious relationship. There's nothing wrong with taking it slow, but don't let yourself be held back because you think it's too soon. Do whatever you feel is right in your heart," he advised me.

"This is why I love you," I joked.

Over the past couple months I've pretty much lost all contact with Molly. I still talk to Ronnie, Jo, and Liv, but not nearly as much as I used to. As much as I hate to admit it, Bryce and I had become best friends.

After hanging up with Bryce I decided to sleep until Shawn came. I set my alarm for 3:45am since he was coming at 4, giving me a couple hours to nap.

I woke up when my alarm went off, rolling out of bed to get changed. I put on black leggings and an oversized University of Alabama sweatshirt that fit me like a dress. I tossed my hair up into a messy bun, not bothering to do any makeup.

I carried my suitcase downstairs as quietly as possible, placing it by the front door. By now it was 3:59am and Shawn had just pulled into the driveway.

"You ready to go?" he asked when I opened the front door.

"Absolutely," I smiled widely, giving him a kiss on my way out the door.


Honestly you guys are the best for reading this story, I wish you endless good hair days and lots of Shawn photoshoot pictures in your social media feeds

I've been super deep in the fluffy Shawn feels lately and it's taking a toll on my heart ugh

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