Would you still love me the same ?

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A/N - OK so I'll be going fast now with the book. And by that I don't mean the updates xD I mean the time in the book. Like over months and years and stuff so ya.

Holly's POV

"I'll pick you up later."

"Yup." I smiled.

"I have to take you somewhere today."

"And where is that?"

"I'm not telling you. Wait for it."

"Meanie." I pouted and looked at him with big eyes.

"It is not working Holly."

I huffed and frowned. I loved surprises but I hated waiting for them.

"I love you." He said all of a sudden.

I smiled and my eyes met his.

"When will you say it back?"

"Come on Adam. You know I do."

He stared at me waiting for an answer.

"Fine I love you too." I said. The only reason why I avoided saying it was because I felt funny in my stomach, leaving aside the fact that my face probably turned the color of a cherry.

"I always have to ask for it. Now I might just forget to pick you up after school."

"You won't dare do that! Don't keep me waiting."

"I might just!"

"You act like a kid sometimes. Okay fine I'll say it first from the next time. Happy?"

"You better! I'll see you later." He kissed my cheek. I saw him walk away and I felt a warm feeling in my heart.

It had been one month since the day I had first stepped on this ground. A month since our first encounter. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that I would fall in love with Mr snappy pants, the guy I fought with almost every other day. No matter how scared I was on the first day, how horrible our first meeting had been, I now feel everything happened for a reason. Everything fell into place and now we were here.

I walked into class, towards where my friends were sitting. They greeted me with smiles. I was so glad I had met them. I couldn't have imagined surviving in this place without them, especially Mindy.

Yes we had drifted apart in between. But even the oldest friendships have misunderstandings and ours was just a new one. What was important was that we overcame those misunderstandings.

My friends soon found about John and his real self. He recently got associated with an assault case along with two other guys. He was arrested and thrown out of the school. It didn't come as a surprise to me but it did to my friends. Everything became clear from there. They finally believed me, actually us. They don't really think Adam is a bad guy now. They haven't developed a liking either but let's say a neutral ground is better than having an animosity! 

The one bad thing that happened over this month was that Alex drifted away from us. His attention is now primarily focused towards joining our school's basketball team. He plans on getting a scholarship for college with the help of that. Which means we see very less of him. He hangs out with the worst of the worst but we still have faith especially Jenn. She says he'll come around and that it's just a phase.

"The paper is due tomorrow right ?" Mindy whispered. We so didn't want to annoy our social science teacher. She just sent anyone who squeaked to detention.

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