Where are you now that I need you?

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Adam's POV

It had been more than an hour since I had been standing here, ringing the bell, telling her to open the door but there was no sign of her. I couldn't just go back. Not until she listened to what I had to say.

I sat down outside the door of her house. If she wasn't going to open the door, I wasn't going away either. She'll have to come out of the house some time.

I wanted to slap myself for trusting Max. I always knew that it wasn't a good decision to tell him but I still did. After that bet, this was the second biggest mistake of my life. Will she ever trust me again?

It was getting dark earlier than usual and the sky was cloudy just like my thoughts. I had completely lost track of how long I had been sitting here. As if all this wasn't enough that my phone was constantly ringing for a while now. I didn't have an ounce of patience left to answer it and talk to the person on the other end of the line. Especially since I knew that it was Kevin. He probably had some crap to say or was calling me to know about my whereabouts. I didn't have it in me to explain the entire situation to him.

It looked like it was going to rain soon. I hoped that rain would wash away all my problems and everything would become normal once again. I rested my head against the door and almost immediately my eyes started to feel heavy.

Had I lost her?

Holly's POV

It was drizzling when I opened my eyes this morning and it was already time for school. I hadnt managed to get any sleep yesterday night. As much as I hated the thought I got up. I wanted to behave like everything was normal. At least pretend so that I could convince myself that it was. I rubbed my eyes and immediately winced. They were swollen from all the crying and they hurt.

"This is the last time I'm crying over him." I promised myself as I wiped the tear that was rolling down the corner of my eye.


I opened my umbrella after stepping out of my house. It was still drizzling and all the gloomy weather made me feel sick. I now had to rush because I was late.

"Holly..." I heard my name and turned around to see Adam sitting outside the door. He quickly got up when he saw me.

What the hell was he doing here so early in the morning? My hands went to my mouth as I saw him properly. He was completely drenched. Had he not gone home yesterday?

"Don't tell me you sat through the night in pouring rain?" I gasped. Wasn't what he did enough?

He ran his hands through his wet hair. He looked sick and his eyes looked red. I immediately avoided eye contact and resumed walking. I had no patience to deal with this crazy guy.

"No! Wait."

I stopped in my tracks when he grabbed my hand.

"I don't want to talk to you. Leave my hand." I said sternly.

But instead he pulled me towards him and hugged me. I tried pushing him away but it was impossible. He was so cold, I could feel him shivering. Why was he doing this to himself now? Acting like a sadist by staying up all night in the rain.

"Have you lost your mind Adam? Let go!"

"I'm sorry Holly." He stuttered. I was trying to hold back myself from hugging him back but I just couldn't. My arms slipped around his neck and I hugged him back tightly. I just couldn't find my inner strength to push him away. We stood there hugging each other for a while. This moment felt perfect and I wished things could be back to normal again but they can't and they never will.

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