Why you gotta be so rude ?

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A/N -  The song in this chapter is colors by Halsey. It does not really have a significance but you can listen to it. Its beautiful and the video has an amazing twist in the end. Opsss spoiler alert !

Everything is grey
His hair, his smoke, his dreams
And now he's so devoid of color
He don't know what it means....

Holly's POV

"Now what is the condition ?" I said irritatedly. I was practically ready to do anything. I was so freaking hungry, that I wanted to stuff the plastic houseplant in my room, down my stomach...

"Condition, condition, condition" he said walking around my room. I rolled my eyes. "Ok got it. You have to listen to everything I say for an entire day. You CANNOT refuse or say no !"

"No way !!!"

"Ok then I'm ready to spend the night here with you."

"No wait... But you can't tell me to do bad things."

"And by bad things you mean...?"

"Just bad things..."

"Sorry Holly its my condition. Either its a yes or it's a no."

"No !!!"

"Good for me." He smirked and plopped down on my bed.

"No wait let me think !"

"10 seconds... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tell me ?"

"For an entire day ?"

"Yes !"

"But what if I want to refuse ?"

"Ughhhh you're acting like a dumb blonde Holly ! I told you no if's and but's."

"No ! Go stuff your condition up your ass."

"Fine then. I'll just spend the night here with you. Ooooo I'm really excited." He lay back on my bed. I face palmed myself.
I was grabbed from both sides. I didn't know what was worse.

"Ok fine I agree !"

He got up. "That's great. So tomorrow you'll do what I say. I'll be your master ! " He smirked.

"Ughh why does it sound like its got some sexual connotation ???"

"Because it has ! I've got plenty of stuff on my mind." he winked. My eyes bulged out of my sockets, probably on the verge of popping out. Oh no, what had I gotten myself into ?

"Keys please." I gulped. Better make the best out of this condition and run away as far as I can, from this creephole.

"No !"

"What? But you told me..."

He walked around rotating the key on his finger.
"I remember what I told you. I'll let you out, don't worry, but I dont remember mentioning the fact, that I'll give them to you immediately." He winked.

"That's not fair you are a cheater !" I cried out.

"Go complain to your mommy daddy then."

Ughhh !!! Adam... Sometimes he was just so annoying. Well I was determined to get the keys, either by hook or by crook. He fell for it once, maybe he'll fall for it again. I walked towards him, flashing my best fake smile.

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