The perfect girl is gone

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And with a huge splash, we were thrown right into a lake. I screamed as I felt the chilled water engulfing me.  I couldn't believe I had done that. I knew I wasn't as brave as I always pretended to be. I would never jump from the cliff in broad daylight, and I had just jumped in complete darkness without knowing what's down there. Was I crazy? Hell yeah! It's just that Adam's expression up there, he had that look. That enticing look in his eyes, it just forced me to take a risk. 

"Are you crazy Holly?" Adam yelled.

"I think someone was caught out of the blue." I laughed. "That's what you get for provoking me."

"You could have nearly killed us back there. What if we hit the rocks on the cliff instead? We would have been shredded to death!"

"Calm down Adam your acting like... Acting like me." I laughed. "Woah-" I bobbed right into the water. "Help!"

He grabbed my hand, pulling me closer as we waded towards to shallow end. I hung on to him for life. My swimming skills were equivalent to that of a cockroach! Yes, that's right peeps, I might drown any second if Adam left me. You'd find me floating on the surface like a dead cockroach, with its tentacles all over the place creepily.
I breathed deep, trying to get that image out of my head.

He left me as we reached the shallow end. Well, it might be shallow for his height, but it wasn't for me!

"I... I need a little help here" I said, as I bobbed in and out of water.

"Oh for god sake don't tell me you are drowning in 6 ft deep water?"

"I'm dying help!" Yes I know, no one can drown in 6 ft deep water, but I was scared that time. Don't judge me. 

"Absolute moron..." he rolled his eyes as I splashed my arms desperately here and there. 
"Got you," he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer wrapping his arms around my waist
"What are you like 5ft?"

"Hey, I'm 5'3!"

"I guessed right."

"Easy for a giant like you to stand in water."

"Jealous? I'm over 6ft."

"Yes, I can very well see that, your head is sticking out of the water." He left me. "No don't..." I went back in the water again. He caught me and started laughing. I began to choke and cough out saltwater and possibly marine life.
"Don't laugh at me!"

"Come let's go to the shallower side" he put special emphasis on shallower. With one hand around my waist, he waded towards the end of the lake. I was holding him tight, actually hanging on his arm.

"You can leave me now. Unless you don't want to as usual." He smirked. We had reached almost the banks of the lake.

"Phew, thanks." I quickly left him. Didn't want to give him wrong signals you know.

He removed his T-shirt and stood there bare-chested. I couldn't help but notice his perfectly sculpted body. My eyes traced down his body, to his abs, his muscles...

"Please put your shirt on again," I yelled.

"Why you think you wouldn't be able to resist yourself?" Hee began walking closer.

"No... I mean I can resist myself. You are not that hot," I crossed my arms.

"Really is that why your mouth is hanging open?" he continued walking towards me. I felt really small in front of him. "It will be better if you give me some company doesn't you think?"


"I'll help you take off your shirt as well"

"No way!" I pushed him back but he didn't move instead I got pushed back.

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