Let the storm rage on

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Holly's POV

I looked at him as he walked away from me, his words echoing in my ears.

'See you soon'

Fear was long gone, all that was left was anger. Who the hell did he think he was? Who gave him permission to hold me, touch me and then beat up Alex for no actual reason? The final straw was him trying to intimidate me by saying see you soon! For what? Crazy ass of a man. The more I thought about him, the more frustrated I got. Did he always have his way around people? I needed answers. 

No no no snap out of it Holly, Alex is more important here. I took a deep breath trying to calm my nerves down, but my body was still shaking because of the adrenaline rush it had just gone through. 

Soon a crowd of people began to come forward to help us. Mindy and John came rushing through the crowd. Mindy froze at the sight of Alex in blood. A few other guys came and helped Alex up taking him to the nurse's office. 

Jenn repeated the incident that had happened to John and Mindy between sobs. I was walking with them to the nurse's office, my mind still unable to focus.

Next thing I know, John grabbed my hand and pulled me aside.

"This was all because of you. Do you have any idea of what you have put him into? You don't know Adam. The next thing we know he might just slit Alex's throat!"


Another girl who was standing next to John spoke up. I had seen her earlier with Alex. She was Ashton's girlfriend. A popular jock of the school and one of Alex's friends.

"Look at what you put him into and it's just your first day. They'll all be lying in their graves by the end of the semester because you just challenged Adam. He'll come after you and all of them." She rolled her eyes.

"But-But I didn't do anything. Why are you all so scared of him? What has he done that-"

"You need to stay away from us, from now onwards." 

 I couldn't speak as tears welled up in my eyes. "I'm sorry John I didn't mean to..."

I could not believe it, after everything that happened today the last thing I could tolerate was John losing his horses at me! I was completely distraught. Had I really caused a big problem? Challenged Adam? Put them in danger? Why was everyone so scared of him? My first day had turned into a complete disaster. I had too many questions.

I dashed out of the hallways towards the school gates. I could see them, those jerks sitting on their bikes ready to leave. Something possessed me, as I began to run towards them. 

"Adam!"I cried out loud.

He turned around and saw me running. Giving me one of his sly smiles he ran his fingers through his hair. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him do that, I don't know why.

"Already missing me baby doll?"He got down his bike and started walking towards me. And then I froze.

He gestured Kevin and Evans to leave. They road their bikes away. The clouds started covering the sky. A storm was about to come, but it had already begun inside me.

"Who the hell do you think you are? You had no right to behave like that!" I yelled at Adam with all my leftover strength.

He rolled his eyes at me as if I was like a mad dog barking.

"Seems like you haven't learned the lesson yet. You have no idea how much worse this could have been. You should be thanking me that I stopped them. Otherwise, you guys would have to dig a hole and bury Blondie right there."

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