Need a little sweetness in my life

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Adams POV

I opened my eyes. The room was filled with sunlight coming from the window. I squinted see my surroundings. I lifted my head to realize that I was in Holly's room. Yes, no other room on this planet could have such a dark shade of pink curtains, posters of One direction all over the walls and of course Minions on cushions and sheets. Only someone as silly and childish as Holly McCarthy could.

I tried to stretch but immediately felt a something heavy on my chest. I looked down to see Holly snuggling close, her head on my chest and her arms around me. Wow, she is something this girl ! After screaming at me all night, telling me to sleep on my side of the bed, she had actually come over to my side and was now peacefully sleeping, using me as a pillow !!!

I took the moment to just stare at her in peace. She was so hyper 24×7 that it was almost shocking to see her lying so peacefully. Another minute and she'll start screaming her lungs out again. I laughed and she immediately flinched. Shit, I hope I had not woken up this monster ! She just adjusted her head on my chest again and went all still. I slowly put my hand on her face, tucking the lose strands of her hair behind her ear. I tried to be gentle enough to not wake her up. My fingers traced the bandaid on her head. I felt the anger pented up inside me as I thought about yesterday. I would break Max's head into two pieces, the next time I saw him. I looked down at her face to see that her eyes were wide open and she was blinking at me. I instantly pulled my hand away from her face. Now she'll start screaming at me. But instead she smiled softly and closed her eyes. Phew that was a narrow escape. She might have been too sleepy to have realized anything.

But what was I going to do ? I had gone completely crazy ! Adam Smith spends a night at a girl's house and doesn't do anything ! It sounded so ridiculous even when I thought of it. But that was the truth ! And I couldn't wrap my brain around the fact. I looked at her face again. She was beautiful. So beautiful... She must have had boyfriends in the past. I suddenly felt envy against all those men who got to touch her before I did, who got to kiss her before I had.

Before I could stop myself, I leaned down and kissed her forehead lightly. Suddenly she stretched her arms, knocking me on my face and rolled to her side of the bed and lay on her stomach. I rubbed my jaw as I got down the bed. I had suffered enough punches yesterday to not deserve one for a lifetime.

"Good morning Adam." I turned around to see Holly sitting up in her bed.

"Good morning lazy ass." I said. She laughed. I was surprised that she just laughed at my insult.

"Had a good sleep ?" I asked. She nodded.
"Off course you did Holly ! You were sleeping all over me !!!"

She looked away embarrassed. "I'm sorry about that. I seem to roll all over the bed when I sleep."

"Ya I could see that because I could hardly breathe cause you slept on my chest ! You are as heavy as a giant pig, do you get it ?" I said.

"Hey ! I'm not heavy ! Well your chest is as hard as a rock. I was so uncomfortable." She huffed.

"Really ??? I don't remember telling you to rest your head on my chest. It was YOU who rolled onto my side and slept on my poor little hand. I can't even feel my hand now since you lay on it the entire night!"

"I'm sorry about that." She rubbed her eyes trying to avoid looking at me. I was really enjoying this. I could tease her forever. "But you could have just moved me if you were so uncomfortable !" She said.

"I tried to but I couldn't because you weigh the size of a baby hippo." I said rolling my eyes. Any moment I would burst out laughing.

"No I don't !!!" She stood up on the bed.

"Yes you do !!!"

She jumped down and pushed me out of her room.

"Wait outside till I get ready. Or you could just use my parent's room. Now go get lost." She said as she slammed the door on my face. I finally let out my laugh, I couldn't control it anymore. She was so much fun to mess around with.

"What's for breakfast?"

"I'm making pancakes."

"Gag." I hated pancakes.

"Go gag then ! You're having pancakes or staying hungry." She really bossed around me.

"Fine. Pancakes with ?"

"There's a choice between maple syrup or just plain pancakes." She said as she pulled out a bowl.

"Wow ! What an amazing range of choices. I just cant seem to make up my mind !" I rolled my eyes in sarcasm. She giggled. "I think I'll go with the syrup. Just a little though."

"OK." She giggled again. I was sitting on the table just staring at her making pancakes. She looked so pretty right now.

"Here you go." She placed two plates on the table. I snapped out of my reverie. She sat down and immediately tucked in. I just poked my fork in and out of the pancake.

"Well, aren't you going to try it?"

"I seemed to have lost my appetite. I told you that I wanted a touch of maple syrup and you have actually marinated the entire pancake in maple syrup. It's flowing all over the plate and my pancakes are drowning in it." I said disgusted.

"Well you can throw it if you don't want it. Make yourself something else if you want" she looked a bit hurt.

"Err no its OK. I'll have it." I took a bite. I almost puked it out of my mouth. But she would really feel bad if I did that. I took a deep breath and swallowed it.

"Did you like it?"

"Yes its great ! Worse.. I mean better than how it looks." I lied. I just had to swallow this piece of shit down my throat otherwise she'll get upset. I took larger bites and ate it all up. Then I got up and ran into the kitchen and gulped it down with glasses of water. I almost thought for an instant that it's going to come out of my mouth. She had drowned it in maple syrup and it was so sweet that I was sure I was going to get a high with the sugar overload in my system.

"I'm going to get ready for school. You can stay here since you aren't well enough to go." She said as I walked back into the living room holding my hand on to my mouth. This pancakes would be the death of me.

"Of course I'm well enough to go ! We need to practice as well since the fest is just 3 days away !!!"

"Ohhh the fest, that had completely slipped out of my mind." She said.

"Of course it had ! Cause you have no sense of responsibility whatsoever ! We win every bloody year. I wouldn't have been so stressed, if it was just us but this time you're with us and we don't even know how you sound till now !!!"

"Fine fine you don't need to start snapping at me so early in the morning ! It's you guys who have been pushing me away making me stare at the grass all along the practice time !!! Now how will you go home to get ready ? You don't even have you bike with you and..."

"I'll space travel Holly ! I'll transport myself by magic like this" I clicked my fingers. She crossed her arms.

"You're so funny that I forgot to laugh Adam Smith." She glared at me.

I rolled my eyes as I took my cellphone and called Evans.

No cliffhanger this time. You guys can sleep in peace hehe.

Ok now I want to ask you guys something. (Note - your answers MIGHT affect the future of this book.) Lol I sound like the police. "Answer carefully because anything that you say can and will be used against you" (and by you I mean our characters Adam and Holly)... No pressure *grins widely* :D

So how many of you guys think Adam is going to win the bet ??? Andddddd how many of you guys WANT him to ??? COMMENT BELOW !!!! I want to know which side you people are supporting. I'm so curious rn...

Btw tysmmmm for 30K reads :D My book is currently #13 in teen fiction !!!!

Thnxx for reading

Much love


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