For all we know, we might not have tomorrow

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Holly's POV

"This is Alex's house ?" I asked as I stood there gaping at this huge mansion with wrought iron gates. "I think we've come to the wrong place." I mean Alex couldn't live here ! This was the sort of house I would presume some rich spoilt jerk to live in. Someone who would change cars faster than he would change girls ! Alex just didn't fit the image. No he didn't. Considering we didn't even know about all of this till now ! I mean if I was in his place, I would have thrown house parties every other day.

"Yes it is and Alex lives in here ! Now if you would stop ogling over his house and move your ass quickly !" Jenn pulled me along as we walked into the house. I tripped on the heels which I had been forced to wear.

Don't even get me started about the time I spent arguing with these two women about what I would be wearing. Did I get the final say ? Of course not ! I am forced to wear this extremely tight and claustrophobic red halter dress which Mindy so selflessly lent to me. My tiny feet are squeezed into an even tinier pair of 5 inch heels. My hair is straightened completely and its reaching to my hips. Fortunately I had very minimal makeup on because by the time we reached to makeup, I put my foot down. I was exhausted by all this dressing up. That's what you get for under dressing all the time, they said. They had their revenge... But I wont argue with the results. I did look different, in a good way of course.

The music got louder and louder as we approached the door. I felt my heartbeat synchronise with the music. The door opened to this huge cacophony of voices. The hallways were dim lit and there were people as far as the eye could see.

"Hurry your silly ass up !" Jenn pulled me into the storm of people. "Let's find Alex."

I was having an outer body experience. So many people in one house ! Yikes ! I wasn't much of a social person and social gatherings kind of frightened me so you would know how I was feeling. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to come here. But I had never expected such a huge party either ! Not to forget that Alex would have killed me if I didnt come. I clutched the packet that I was holding. Hopefully he would like his gift.

"There he is !" We pushed through all the people who were busy dancing (or should I say clinging on to each other) and went to the centre of the living room, where Alex stood surrounded by a group of people.

After wishing him, Mindy and Jenn started chattering naturally with the people there but I stood still like a lamp post not knowing what to say or where to look. Most of the people standing with us were the popular people of the school including some of the jocks and cheerleaders. I felt myself grow smaller and smaller in front of them.

"Who's this hot girl with you. Can I have her number ?" Alex pointed towards me and asked Mindy.

"Ha ha Alex. You're so funny." I said in a monotone.

"Oh its you Holly ! I didnt recognise you since your look so different from your usual gorilla self."

I grew red in the face as everyone around me burst into laughter.

"That wasn't funny !" I smacked his arm.

"It was a compliment silly." Alex laughed and I huffed in anger. So much for calling me a gorilla in front of half of the school's popoulation.

"Can I get you drink ?" I turned my head to the source of voice. It was Ashton, one of the jocks in the school. He and Alex had grown quite close since Alex had recently become a part of the school's soccer team. None of us girls were happy with this friendship. In short, Ashton was a really rude and arrogant person. Not to add that he seemed like a misogynist to us. We definitely didn't want Alex to be influenced by him.

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