I need U

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This chapter is dedicated to @Sweet_Coco2802 for the awesome cover she made for this book! It's the first fan made cover I've received so I'm really grateful to her :')

Song is I need you by BTS. I had dasi run run run out of all the good English songs in my playlist to quote a title so I thought I might as well quote one of the 1826282 songs I have of BTS in my phone. And ya I know they haven't even released that many songs. I defy logic.

You have to listen to this song and also see the video. I know I always shamelessly promote BTS but these babies deserve all the love they can get!

Adam's POV

A surge of panic rushed through me as I saw Holly fall down on her knees.

"Holly?" Mindy screamed. We both rushed to her but all we could do was see her fall down in front of our eyes. Mindy immediately went to her side but before I could step any closer to her, she stopped me.

"Don't you dare come near her. It's all because of you look what you have done!" She cried.

I ignored her.

"No! Stay away! I'm done with you interfering in her life. Just go away now!" She was sitting down beside Holly like a guard dog.

"Are you serious? What do you want? For her to lie on the ground like his forever?" I pulled her away from Holly and kneeled down.

"Please wake up Holly, you can't be doing this." I cupped her face. She seemed lifeless in my hands. My panic levels started to rise.

On the other hand, Mindy started to sob beside me. She was getting on my last nerve. I tsked loudly.

"Can you please shut up? You are not helping here apart from just getting on my nerves!"

"You should shut up! What ever is happening is because of you! You always did this to her. You always played with her feelings. If something happens to her..."

No I won't let that happen...

I picked Holly up in my arms and began walking outside the gate.

"Holly... Please wake up, it's not funny anymore." I shook her again. She was still. Absolutely still as if she wasn't even breathing. I remembered the time she had called me up and faked being in danger. I sincerely hoped she was joking now but that didn't seem to be the case.

"Put her in my car and let's take her to the hospital." Mindy caught up to me.

"You're back to your senses. Great now give me the keys."

"I'll have to get them."

"What the... Then go and get them, why are you staring at my face?" I said in annoyance.

She ran towards her house.

I gently touched Holly's face pushing all her hair away. How long could I take out my anger on Mindy, after all she was not wrong. All this was happening because of me.

"I'm really sorry Holly. I know I deserve all this but please just wake up. I can't see you like this anymore. You can punish me later on. Hit me, slap me, yell at me but just wake up. I promise I would never leave you again."

She showed now signs of a response. I held Holly's body closer to mine resting my chin on her head. I no longer felt her warmth, her body was cold next to mine.

Mindy came running from behind and unlocked the car.

"Give me the keys I'm driving" I said.

"No I'll drive."

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