Chapter 25

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2nd update time!!! Sorry for spelling mistakes!

Sophie's POV-

"Dana!" I yelled, it was probably the fastest thing I've ever seen happen in slow motion. It all happens within minutes maybe even minutes but to me it was all slowed down.

I watched Dana's fist connect to Luke's nose. Blood spilled. Luke fell to the ground, Dana jumped on top. The teacher tried to get Dana off while he pounded on Luke's face. I couldn't even do anything, I just stood they're while the other boys in the class helped pull Dana off of Luke.

Dana pushed one of the boys who had a hold of him, then he stormed. Luke laid there for a few minutes on the floor. the teacher had a girl run to the bathroom to get paper towels.

McKinsey brought over tissues, I helped Luke sit up, blood was all over his face from his nose, but luckily that seemed to be the only thing damaged. I placed about 15 tissues to his nose to try and stop the bleeding.

"Keep you head down so all the blood comes out and you don't end up with a blood clot" Mr.Bentley said tilting his head downwards.

"Are you okay?" I asked Luke, he gave me a look.

"I'm fine. You can get away from me now." He snapped, I could see the disgust in his eyes now.

"I-I didn't DO ANYTHING! Your the one who messed up! Your the one who got drunk and acted like a complete dick!" I yelled, Mr.Bently just kinda stared at me bewildered, my eyes drifted from him to every looking at me. My heart started hit against my chest, and my body grew hot.

Then I pushed my way through the few people standings round us and ran out the room.

I ran outside into the little yard thing, I went to the same tree I ran to when Dana told me I was in the virginity game.

Freshman year is suppose to be MY year. I was suppose to be living the perfect high school student life.

"How did it get so fucked up" I muttered to myself as a took a seat on the grass.

"Luke's face? Oh I did that" the simple words infuriated me, not because it had anything to do with Luke, but because Dana was the main thing the screwed up my year. His stupid game!

"SHUT UP! Your not funny. Your just annoying ass who is WAY to cocky" yeah it was a official I was sick and tired of this shit. I want out. Fuck winning the game. I don't wanna be in it anymore

"What?" Dana was obviously beyond confused.

"I want out! Take me out of this fucking game! I quit! Take this off!" I started pulling at the bracket on my wrist. My wrist was suddenly gripped and forcefully yanked away.

"There's only one way out of this game prom queen. I think you already know what that is." He was staring at me intensely like he wanted to punch me in the face.

"Fine" I snapped, I ripped my arm from his and started walking back to the school door

"What do you mean fine?" Dana asked running up beside me, I noticed the huge smirk on his features. He makes me sick.

"I mean, if I have to have sex to get out of this game then so be it" he clasped his hands once while letting a very excited 'YES!' Leave his lips. I rolled my eyes at him

"So when are we doing this? Bathroom? Closet? My house?" Dana asked grabbing my arm and pulling me to a stop, he pushed me up against the school door "here?" I almost threw up, I'm not kidding ether, just the thought of- ew no!

"You thought I meant have sex with you?" I practically laughed "no. If I'm gonna lose this game to anyone, it will never be to you." I pushed him back and to my surprise he actually did step back. Maybe because he was in the state of shock.

I walked into the school and went to second period.

By 2nd period I had on makeup thanks to my savor McKinsey! I thank god for her sometimes.


By the end of the day I heard both Luke and Dana were kicked out of school for 10 days for the fight.

I was still thinking of what i said to Dana, at the moment that's how I felt, I was just going to give my first time away to get out of this game, but that was because I was so pissed.

Of course I'm not gonna lose this. I vow to win this 'virginity game' I vow to do more then win. I vowed along with the other girl to crush this game, to take down not only the game but the boys who created it.

Now I know I have multiple plans.

Be clingy and he'll just give up and chase after Liz who will obviously turn him down and he has no way to win.

Then I have other plans that I haven't thought out completely.

One being make him fall in love but that seems almost impossible and it's kinda risky. He could be to good that I fall for him and he actally just plays me.

Then other non thought of plans..


While getting off the bus, I started to go back to family problems. My mom. I was coming home, I'd rather not have my mom call me in as a runaway and I go to Tobin.

"Hey" I turned to see who was yelling, guess who's stupid car pulled up beside me.

"Leave me alone Dana" I mumbled with annoyance.

"We had a good oh heart to heart last night, you cuddled,your wearing my clothes, I got kicked out for getting in a fight with your boyfriend" I wanted to.. I don't know, beat him with a stick.

"He's not my boyfriend. I didn't wanna talk you made me. I cuddle up to things when I sleep, not by choice. I had no other choice but to wear your clothes unless I wanted to go naked." I was almost to my house

"I wouldn't have mind that" I gave him a death glare and he chuckled

"Okay, well I know you don't wanna go home to your mom!" I looked over at him, he was driving beside me.

"How do you know what I want?! Maybe this is how me and my mom deal with stuff like this! You don't know me so stop acting like you do!" I yelled, he stopped the car

"Know what! IM SICK OF TRYING TO PLAY THE NICE CARD! You don't appreciate it. So I'm going to treat you like I do all my other game pieces." He yelled then he flipped me off and drove away.

That didn't bother me I could care less about how HE treats me, I'll just ignore and avoid him.

I walked into the house, as soon as the door closed my mom came running from the living room.

"Sophie" she wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me, I did no hug back. I'm completely done with her. "I'm so sorry baby! The way I acted was embarrassing. It actually disgusts me to think about it. I wasn't me, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me" funny, Luke said something along those same words. Is this what all drunks say? It wasn't me. I'm sorry. Forgive me.

"No." I mumbled, my mom pulled back to look at me "no, I won't forgive you. It was you, you chose to drink. Your sorry because you'll do it again. You disgust me, how does it feel to lose the last person you had that actually gave a shit about you." I know my voice was filled with disgust,hurt,and disappointment. I didn't want to see her reaction, I walked passed her and up the stair case.

*its not to long sorry guys*

Do you guys think Sophie was to heartless to her mom? Do you think Dana's done having his sweet moments? Will Luke get revenge ?

What do you want to happen on Sophie's next pov? Next chapter is McKinsey's but what are some things you'd like to see for chapter 27? Which will Sophie's pov.

I'm not posting a picture on twitter this time since I just posted one like a day ago.

Characters that are up-

Twitter: @MrsTomlinson004

Vote comment and fan! :D I'll probably update again no later then Monday.

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