Chapter 53: Trust A Bad Feeling

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~I'm too tired to fight. I'm just going to lay ~Theres a ghost in my lungs and it talks in my sleep, wraps itself around my chest as it softly speaks. ~ I love you so much, I'm going to let you---

Kill me.


Dimitri grabbed me around the waist, and I once again felt weightless for a few moments.

Still not getting use to the whole teleporting-by-vampire thing, I fell a little and held myself up on an archway. My eyes widened at the huge table of food in front of me, “Whoa,” I dragged out in awe. The long dining room table has a dark brown cloth on top, and numerous settings of utensils, and plates. Down the center are large golden candles, and numerous platters of food. The table is practically full, besides two seats on the left towards the front.

He chuckled from behind me, and put a hand under my elbow, “I’m glad you approve.” We sat down at the table, with him at the end. Dimitri put a hand on my leg, “don’t look at anyone in the eyes, and make sure to keep your manners close by.”

I gently removed his hand and placed it on his own lap, “You guys have so many rules.”

Dimitri grinned, and plopped some potatoes onto his plate. He passed it to me and I did the same. When I went to pass the bowl to my left I noticed somebody really small was sitting in the seat. It’s little girl, around five or six, with the cutest pig tails I’ve ever seen. Her eyes are a light blue, and she has light curly brown hair. She stared at me for a while, and smiled. “I’m Daisy, and you are?” she questioned, sounding like she is an adult.

She’s not a Vampire…right?

“Are you a Vampire?” I whispered to her, and set the bowl on the table.

She laughed, sounding like a normal child. “Yes, and you’re a human.”

I swallowed, fear growing in the pit of my stomach.

She frowned, and put a small hand on my arm. It’s warm, and softer than a baby’s skin. “Don’t worry, I drink from blood bags; as do many here.”

I rolled my eyes, “I can think of one that prefers not to. My name is Cassie by the way,” I told her, and then quickly remembered I’m suppose to say Natalie.

Who cares about him, I’ll say whatever the hell I want.

“Do you know Valentine? The arrogant man with the chestnut hair and blue eyes?” I blurted.

Daisy stopped eating and looked up at me with her blue eyes, “We’re cousins. He’s my favorite cousin actually.”

“Oh, this just became really awkward.”

She giggled, “I’m just joking. I know he’s arrogant, but he is still my favorite cousin.”


She drank her water elegantly, and then placed it quietly on the table. “He plays dolls and hide and seek with me," Daisy replied in an obvious tone.

I burst out laughing at the image of Valentine playing dolls. When she didn’t laugh with me I stopped, and coughed in my hand to clear my throat. “Sorry.”

Daisy didn’t answer for a while, and pushed her food around on my plate. I stared on my own pile of food that Dimitri placed on it “Nobody else plays with me like him, because they don’t think I’m a kid anymore,” she suddenly told me, staring at the table with sad eyes.

Bleeding Royalty Book One & Two (First Draft, unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now