Chapter 2: Love Letter

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YO! The video to the right >>>>>>>>>>>> completely fits the book. Sorry If you don't like BFMV but they are amazing...lyrics wise at least! This song really set's the book up nicely ;P especially the beginning.



It was still light out, as I watched the limo drive around to the parking lot.

At the memory of how ellegant the blonde girl was who had saved me, I looked down at my own attire. I had on my ugly, mandatory work uniform; a white polo shirt, black slacks and black sneakers.

"I just look gorgeous," I muttered sarcastically and began walking towards the huge white bricked house that my family owned. The restaurant had always been surrounded by beautiful rose bushes and two baby-willows as I was a child that I use to climb and hide under. The trees had grown taller and taller as I grew older and older and now they practically reached the sky they were so tall.

I opened the heavy glass doors of the place, holding it open for an exiting costomer. It was a mom with a dissapointed expression followed by a crying little boy about five years old. The mothers eyes drifted to my uniform as if she was looking for my name tag. Thankfully I had forgetten it.

"You people are horrible," she hissed as she brushed past me. 

Well, that's always a good sign.

I hurried the rest of the way into the restaturant, waved at Arnold at the reservation desk. I made a sharp right to try and find my Aunt in the kitchen,  and practically bumped right into Mandy, my good friend, and fellow co-worker.

She looked relieved. “Yes! Cassie you’re really late but I totally forgive you!" She threw her arms up to the air and mouthed 'Thank you!' to the ceiling. "Luckily you had me and Stacy to cover," she added a bit breathily and shook out her brown hair. In her hands she carried a stack of eight dirty plates, one of which held....

"Dentures?" I cringed, and  tried to keep up the contents of my stumach. "How the heck did they get on the plate?"

"I know right!" she burst out, seeming as disgusted as I was. "I tried to ask around but nobody claimed them." Both of us glanced down at the dentures and stuck our tongue out like we would throw up. "So gross."

Mandy's shirt and slacks were covered with stains and her normally perfectly straight hair looked disheveled. She had bags under her eyes and a frown mark between her eyebrows. I could tell she was working her tail off to cover my shift.

Feeling like a horrible person, I took the plates from her and gave her a one armed hug. “Thank you so much I’m so sorry! I owe you big time!"

She flashed a smile. “No problem, Cass. Actually...if you could fill in for me now...?I have a date later on and I still haven't picked out an outfit." She put her hands on her hips, her expression filled with worry that I would say no.

"Sure I can cover." 

. "Alright!" She did a little dance and then started to make her way out of the building. Mandy whirled around at the last second. "Hey wait! Aren't you going to the Gig tonight?”

"Later. Anna is making mes neak out." I rolled my eyes. 

Way to let that one out of the bag.

"Good luck with that one your Aunt is extremely observant tonight. She caught Carol taking a smoke break before four thirty and literally whacked him with a spoon!" Before I could reply, she checked her watch and threw me her notepad and pen.  "Are you sure you're going to be ok? I'll stay if you need me."

Bleeding Royalty Book One & Two (First Draft, unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now