Chapter 7: Bipolar Vamp

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Opening the crumbled bag, I took out a huge cheese burger, and a large fry. The greasy goodness made my stumach groan loudly. I had completely forgetten the last time I ate and almost had starved myself.

“I’m going to get so fat. ”I confessed, while having a mouth full of fries in my mouth. I tried to make some conversation since he was being completely silent, leaned against the driver's with his head in his gloved hand.

Little did I know, my words came out like;“Em goen tag gat so mat," because I had so much food in my small mouth.

"I have no idea what you just said. Just eat you meal."

His harsh words made him seem more intimidating but I was so distracted with my meal, a killer whale with a loaded machete would't of be intimidating.  I moved the foil down over the burger as reached the halfway mark of the sandwich. Right when I was about to take a bite, a large, long-fingered, leather covered hand decided to snatch it away.

I gaped at my empty hands, and gave him the nastiest look.

He shrugged off my heated  glare, simply responding with, “I'm hungry," before taking a  large bite of my burger. 

I grabbed the burger out of his hands with a laugh. "Yeah, not going to happen, big boy. Paws off my food. Go order yourself a Happy Meal, maybe you won't be so encroaching , being that you just entered my side of the car."

Even under his sunglasses I could see his bright, furious blue eyes. “You’re lucky we are under a contract, little one, or else I would eat your hand,” he growled.

I snorted, ignoring the small shiver that crept down my back. “Chill dude, it’s just a burger. I don't remember signing any contracts.” I took three quick bites of the sandwich, slightly worried he would lash out with his mouth and eat it whole.

As I chewed the enormous amount of food, a thought crept into my mind like a groundhog making a  new home. He drinks blood. He drinks bood, and he took a bite of my sandwich. He drinks blood and he took a bite of my sandwich that now has blood on it.

I battled against a gag, trying to swallow the contents in my mouth. I put my fingers over my nose trying to numb the taste that my taste buds were trying to pic out of the ingredients. Lettuce,tomatoe, cheese, beef....blood.


The single word was said by a deep, demanding voice, unfortunately seated directly to my right. The tone of it forced my muscles to disobey, and I swallowed the seemingly revolting food. "UGH," I roared, furious at myself for digesting the food.

I just hoped I would end my racing thoughts, and not throw the food back up.

I turned to him, my hand to my disobeying throat. I was still trying to get over the fact that his mouth had touched my burger. "Sorry," I muttered, attacking another frenchfry with my mouth. 

Maybe the french fries will get rid of the taste.

He gave me a side glance as if expecting an explanation to my outburst. I realized at that momentthat I had left my buger unattended on my lap and the ketchup at seeped into the flower embroidered grandma dress.“This might sound weird... but how often do you um…” I took a deep breath, trying to get read of the blush that had settled on my face. He had wittnessed my spaz attack over the burger. "How often do you..."

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