Chapter 3: Birthday Crasher

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After spending fifteen minutes trying to find a good parking spot, I settled for a spot so far from the building, that it was practically in a different continent. I got changed in the vehicle, clumsily pulling the flimsy dress over my legs, and then proceeded out of the vehicle to the club. It was practically pitch dark outside, the only lighting coming from a few street lights, and the neon colors bouncing off the building ahead.

I abruptly found myself looking over my shoulder to see what was behind me, then turned back around. Nobody of course was there, being that I was very nervous about everything. The shadows behind me were only ones from the few trees on the side of the road, and the cars. The cold wind was whipping at the trees, giving the image that the shadows were moving.

"Creepy," I muttered, placing my hands under my arms so that  my body temperature stay warm. I walked further down the sidewalk feeling as if the club was getting farther away with every step I took.

God, this is not a great night to be walking alone.

I tried to distract myself by staring at my heels as I walked, but I just couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was following me.

 Good job Cassie, do the predictable and park far from others so you can get raped.

Since I watched all those dramatic criminal investigating TV shows, I always had a small fear of someone pulling me into an ally and having their way. But then again, I tended to get worried about most things-- focusing on them until they literally became an issue. I shook it off as I neared the muffled sound of music. I also took out my Blackberry with a shaky hand and text Anna saying I was waiting in line

I honestly just didn't want to be alone at the moment.

She came out a few minutes later with some drunken friends and waved frantically screaming. “I know her! That’s my best friend!” I motioned for her to go back inside. She looked a little confused but got the hint. "TTYL Cassie Wassie!" she shouted one last time, before walking back into the club.

It was a lot more embarrassing than it sounds.

The Bouncer at the front of the line grunted at my fake ID,but thankfully took my Ticket. He scowled at the small ID card, putting it closer to his eyes. I froze, waiting for him to throw my ass in jail. That’s it, say Hello to jail Cassie! 

I opened my mouth to start sputtering apologizes, when he nodded towards the doors. Quickly thanking him, I ran into the club before he realized I wasn’t 5’2, my name wasn’t Mary Anne Dudley, and my hair was not green.  In my defence, Anna had picked it out.

The inside of the club wasn't the least bit scary than the outside atmosphere.

The music pounded, bouncing off the walls in every direction. I had to shuffle through smelly, and yes, sweaty bodies to The walls of the club were black, making the room surprisingly look larger than it was, instead of making everything look compacted. At the front of the club sat a small wooden stage sat at the front of the room. Directly in the middle of the club was a huge Disco Ball, and assortments of colorful lights. A huge bar black bar was to the right where Anna was sitting talking to a guy. I walked over and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and screamed happily.

“Heyyyyyyy Birthdayyy guuuurrrlll!!! Want some Happy Juice?” She motioned to the blue liquid she was drinking, it was probably dyed Vodka. Anna was dressed like a legit slut. Her dress had so many holes in it, I felt like her scissors got mad bored, and attacked her.

A cute bartender came over, and asked me if I needed anything. Hmmhe's not that bad looking.I nodded my head no. “No, I’m the designated driver today, nothing for me.” I said. starting to feel awkward drinking a diet soda.

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