Chapter 9: Pretty Please With Blood On Top?

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%This song to the right is dedicated to my angry character. XD Get past the beginning and it gets good.

~With eyes closed-- her heart breaksss, and after it all, she broughtthis on her self, on her self. <3


I couldn’t bring myself to take a shower yet.

I leaned on the dark counter in the bathroom, and stared at my reflection. I had circles under my blood shot eyes. Oh that’s attractive. My hair was literary defying gravity, a curly, frizzy mess. Ugh I need to get out of here! I stripped the ugly dress, then stepped into the tiniest shower ever, beginning to wash. The water under my feet immediately became a dark brown. I turned the shower on hotter, until steam covered the shower glass walls.

I need to pick a shampoo. Strawberry…. Grapefruit…or Pineapple…hmm that sounds good.It's like a freaking store in this little compacted shower!I put my hand to my chin, trying to figure out which one I liked best. Well, Strawberries are my favorite fruit…but then again everyone likes Grapefruit…SpongeBob lives in a Pineapple. Ohhhhhhh,who lives in a Pineapple under the—

Casie He-art!


I clenched my skull, the heat from the shower becoming overwhelming. Random thoughts shouted at me in my head.

What if I never see Anna again?

What if I don’t see my Family again?

What if I become a Ghost and that’s why Anna and my Familycan’t see me again??

What if I’m a Ghost because these crazyVampire peoplekilled me?!

What if they kill me?

What if they don’t kill me, and let me suffer in that Cell?

What if I have to wear a dress again?

What if it’s a Grandma Dress?

What if I’m the diner tonight?

What if they fry me!

What if Adrian decides to suck me dry?

What if JEROME decides to suck me dry?

What happens when Adrian finds out I escaped?

What happens when they ALL find out I escaped?

What happens when Mrs. C finds out I'm not Natalie?

What happens whenAdrian finds out I’m Natalie Chang, and I’m suddenly Asian??

What happens….when the King figures out I escaped… then was put ina cellagain..then escaped all over again?

I started to hyperventilate in the shower. Geez I have the worst anxiety! The steam went into my nose, and I started wheezing like a maniac. I’m going to die, in a fancy shower, and my hair isn’t even going to smell nice. I shook my head.

What if I never see my Family or Anna ever again, everyone finds out I’m a fraud, Adrian sucks me dry, these peopleeat my fingers as an appetizer, and I’m also wearing a Frilly dress while that all happens?!?!?!?!?!

“SHUT UP!” I yelled at myself. Holy crap I’m so annoying! Focus on something else. Well, my legs are kinda hairy.

I found a razor, and shaved my gorilla legs, then shampooed and conditioned my disgusting hair. And yes, I did use all of the Shampoos. I took the awesome soap and scrubbed myself until I was tickle me pink. (It's a crayon color.)

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