Mum. |JJ Maybank| Pt. 2

200 3 2

Warning: None
Word Count:
(for you, miabeckham45)

After she gathered herself once more, wiping the mascara that laid under her eyes and touching up the highlighter, and mascara. The wedding was just starting so she walked over and sat down where she was assigned. JJ's mum was right next to her and without saying anything, her hand gripped Y/n's tightly. All she wanted to do was cry because for over 4 years she hasn't gotten that motherly love.  

She squeezed her hand slightly as U/m made eye contact with her old group. There sat, John B, Sarah, Kiara, Pope, and Cleo. She mentally reminded herself to say hi later. She wanted a Sarah hug, badly. They soon the music and everyone began to stand up. The bride walked down she couldn't but think of how gorgeous she was.

She had this body was everything and her face was so pretty. She looked towards JJ and all she could make out was, what was once towards her, love. He looked at her with so much love. She was happy for him, but she hated the feeling she was getting because it wasn't her who was walking towards the blonde.

They made eye contact.

And what broke JJ's heart is the fact her eyes held so much hurt. Even if he didn't love her like that, he cared desperately for her. He understood why she stopped talking to him, but moving away? That's what hurt him, but this small amount of hurt would never compare to the hurt he put Y/n through.

"Everyone, you may sit." Everyone sits down, her hand is still in JJ's mums. She looked down, not being able to look at the couple at the altar. And after a while, she heard, "You may kiss the bride." But for some reason it hurts to remember he kissed   Mia as well.

The music as they walked down was catchy, the dances and laughed on the way down soon enough the pair was no longer visible. Jessica turned towards her and pulled her hand away, wiping the tears that were falling, "God I'm so sorry sweetie." I shook my head.

"Don't apologize Jess. You didn't do anything."

"But I can't imagine your pain with watching that."

"How is JJ?" She asked, wanting to stop the subject because she knew if she kept going she sob. "When I was with him his PTSD was bad."

"It's gotten better, every time we talk he asks about you."

"He knows we talk?" She smiles softly.

"Of course he does dear. He misses you."

"Yeah, well I miss him," I say quietly. Jess sighs and pulls me into her chest. We were now the only ones in the small area. "Go have fun. I'll be okay, Jess."

"For some reason I don't believe you." She smiles.

"I'll be okay. I always am." She nods hesitantly and walks away. Right when she is out of sight I let out the tears I had been desperately trying to keep in.

"Y/n." I hear the voice of the boy who broke my heart behind me.

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