Fan Of Your Work. |JJ Maybank|

450 7 0

Warning: None
Word Count: 344

JJ and Y/n have been dating for almost a year, knowing each other since 3rd grade, but they have never felt this in love with anyone else. Y/n would never forget the first time she met Luke. It was a day when they were hunting for the gold and JJ had walked away because he and the group got into a fight.

Y/n ran after him and when she found him he was getting beat up by Luke. That was the first time she realized she had loved the boy. She couldn't beat the thought of losing him and seeing him beaten up because of his father made her cry.

Today was the day JJ was meeting his girls mum and dad and he was kinda excited. He was nervous, for sure but he was also kind of hoping he could get a safe place with an adult. Y/n always said how good her parents were and how much they loved JJ due to what she said about him to them.

The only reason they have known each other for so long and he hasn't met her parents is because he was terrified of meeting them and then hating him, not letting him see the girl anymore.

"Mum!" Y/n yelled as she entered their home, wrapping her arms around the older women's neck.

"Hi love. Hi JJ!" She smiled brightly at the boy, knowing how bad his home life is and wanting to be a safe place for him as much as he wanted this place to be safe for him as well.

"Hi, I'm JJ. Very big fan of your work." The mother let out a loud laugh and the father soon walked into the room with a bright smile, hearing everything he had just said.

"I like him already." What they didn't know was that that one sentence made JJ feel like he was already loved at this place that in the future, he would finally have a place to call home.

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