Engaged?! |Mattheo Riddle| Pt. 2

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Warning: Talk of SH
Word Count: 1080

There I stood. 

Holding Pansy's bouquet of flowers in my hands as I tried to not cry. I easily could get away with it, saying that I was just so happy for my best friend. Daphne held onto my hand tightly and it was like my body was on solid ground but everything else was floating. And not in a good way. 

I wanted to stop the wedding or run out but it was her day to be with the love of her life. Daphne had Draco. Astoria had Enzo. I had, well, no one. I didn't plan on getting one either. I would silently watch from afar as they made achievements together, wishing it was me Mattheo looked at with so much love. 

I tried drowning every word that was said, out. I didn't wanna hear their vows especially. I knew then my heart would completely shatter. If it hadn't already. I was such a horrible friend, loving my best friend's husband. Who the fuck am I?

It may have been easier to just walk away. Maybe I could book a ticket to go to New York or Iceland, hell even Norway. I would love to go to Norway. That's always been my dream. To go to Norway. Maybe I should do that. Move away from everyone. 

Everyone began clapping, snapping me out of my thoughts. I tried to smile the best I could and handed Pansy her bouquet. She began walking down the aisle and I felt tears fall from my eyes. How knew it would hurt this bad? I clapped as loud as I possibly could. 

Daphne and Astoria soon came over to me and engulfed me in a hug. "Guys, go have fun with Pansy. It's her day."

"No, you're crying."

"Yeah and it's Pansy's wedding. Go. I'll be fine." They looked hesitant but nodded, giving me a quick hug before heading to where Pansy was to congratulate her. I pulled out my phone and booked the next flight to Norway. I finally smiled, for what felt like years, a true smile made its way to my face.

I began walking to the bathroom, shutting the door. I pulled out my wand, sending me back to my home. I pulled out my suitcase and began packing. I also started writing a letter for everyone. I held my suitcase and stopped at my door, looking around my house. 

Finally, the hurt would be gone.

And like that, I was on the flight to Norway.

•Daphne Greengrass's Pov•

I was dancing with Pansy, Astoria and Mattheo when suddenly I wondered where Y/n was. It had been awhile since I last saw her and she said she would be out to hangout with us shortly. I walked to where I was with her last, no sign of her.

I walked around the venue to even see if I could see her crying. But no sign of her. I quickly rushed back to everyone and almost yelled, "Has anyone seen Y/n?!" They all shook their heads and I put my hands in my hair, feeling the stress setting in. "Astoria," I turned to her. 

"Huh?" Suddenly realization came to me.

"Shit!" I yelled, trying to find any possible bathroom or empty room so I could go to her house. Astoria, Pansy and Mattheo were following close behind. 

"Why the fuck did you let this happen?!" Mattheo yelled at me, I knew he may have been getting married to Pansy, but deep down he cared for Y/n more than he ever would for Pansy. I ignored him and found a room, holding my hand out for anyone else who wanted to go. 

Astoria was the fastest to put her hand down and then it was Mattheo, then Pansy following. I really had a different type of hatred towards Pansy than I ever thought I could have. We got to the front of her door and I didn't bother to knock. everything was still there so that was a good sign.

I quickly walked to her bedroom, everyone following behind me and when I opened the door, my heart sank. Her drawers were opened and her clothes were scattered everywhere. I saw note that rested on her desk and quickly picked it up.

Dear whoever is reading this,
I am sorry I left. I just couldn't do it. It all became too much and it started getting harder to hold on for the people who wanted me to. So I left. Best way to deal with problems, run away, right? Haha. Anyways, whoever is reading please take care of Daphne and Astoria for me. Even Pansy. Especially Mattheo. They deserve the world. 
I love you all, please don't forget that.

I put the note on the desk and turned to Mattheo, smacking him right across the face. "Ah! What the hell was that for!?" he asked as he held where I slapped him. Astoria was reading the letter and tears were falling from her eyes while Pansy was shocked by my actions.

"Go die in a god damn hole, Riddle."

"What the fuck!?"

"Did you not see the mental pain you had put Y/n through? How everyday her eyes got more tired and how she had became so fucking quiet! Or how she had slits on her wrist! How when she looked at you all there was, was hurt and admiration! And Pansy! You're supposed to be her best friend! Yet the second they broke up, you ran into his arms as if he had done it for you! He did it for Y/n and yet everyone seems to forget that!

You have no idea how hard it has been to not murder you! I love you pansy but, God are you seriously that selfish to go for your best friends ex-boyfriend! She never said anything cause she saw how happy you were together!" I stopped talking and saw tears falling from both their eyes.

"H-her wrists?" Mattheo whispered, in guilt. "She's doing that again?" He whispered again as he let out a small sob. I walked out of the room, past both of them. "Where are you going?" He asked as he walked out of the room, following me.

I heard Astoria arguing with Pansy.  

"To convince my best friend to come home to me," I sighed. 

"You know where she is?"

"I have an idea," I began waling down the stairs.

"I love her still."

"I know that. But for her, it's way too late." And like that, I was gone, on my way to Norway. 

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