That's Low. |JJ Maybank|

876 13 4

Warning: Mention of Self Harm, Mention of Wanting To Die
Word Count: 625

Y/n grew up on the Cut with her aunt and younger sister. Her aunt was never around and she took care of her sister. Sarah Cameron was her only friend until she met the Pogues about a year ago.

They changed her life and she couldn't be more grateful for them. They made her not want to die. Her mum and dad died when she was young, in a car accident. And she was at home doing homework.

She then met her boyfriend, JJ Maybank, when she met the Pogues. He changed her life. The relationship that her and her sister, Mila, have is adorable. Mila looks up to JJ and he she's Mila as his little girl.

JJ was there when Y/n would get panic attacks or when she was overthinking. He was even there when she was recovering from self harm. She loved him endlessly and was forever grateful for the boy he called hers.

She had recently been trying to get the Pogues to welcome Sarah because she lost her friend group and John B was seeing her. Kiara was going through something where her family was starting to 'hate' her.

"Kie I'm sorry but-"

"She can't be here! She's a bitch!" Kiara said, referring to Sarah. Who was in the room. JJ sat next to Y/n and Y/n sat next to Sarah. JJ was growing mad at the way Kiara was talking to Y/n but he was trying to not get mad.

"Kiara!" Y/n scolded like a mother, "This is absurd! I know you have family shit going on but this is no excuse to be a bitch! I didn't get a free pass-"

"Your parents are dead. You have no family." JJ immediately stood up and walked closer towards Kiara.

"Really?! That's way to fucking far Kiara!" John B pushed JJ back because he was getting very close to the brown haired girl but it didn't matter to JJ that he knew her basically his whole life, the girl he was with was more important than anyone else.

Sarah pulled Y/n into her arms and rubbed her back. Y/n was in shock, she wasn't crying but she was frozen. She felt as though she had been stabbed in the back. She pulled away and stood up, tears finally now coming to her eyes.

"That's Low, Kiara. Even for you." JJ grabbed her hand before the girl could say anything back and brought her out of the house. They went to the beach where he brought a towel and laid it on the ground to bring her close to his body.

She laid her head on his chest while his arms were wrapped around her body. Soft tears fell from her eyes as she watched the ocean waves crash into rocks and onto the shore.

"I'm sorry, love. That was fucked for her to say that." JJ said gently, his arms tightening ever so slightly. He hated how she was hurt by one of their best friends. He can't be mad at Kiara because he knows more than anyone what it feels like to say something just because you're mad. But he's still pissed at her.

"It's alright," she dug her head deeper into his chest and he felt some tears come through the fabric while her body began to shake. He turned towards her and wrapped both of his arms around her, trying to calm her down from the upcoming panic attack.

"It's not. But I'm right here. I'm not leaving. I'm right here." Her soft cries died down and he began tracing shapes on her back. There, she fell asleep, listening to the sound of the waves and in the arms of who she felt the safest with.

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