Lost? |Mattheo Riddle|

499 12 0

Warning: None
Word Count: 504

When Mattheo and Y/n started dating it was in year 4. They were best friends before anything and cared more about each other than anything in the world. They didn't know everything that was coming up in the next few years.

Y/n would almost die, giving Mattheo the scare of his life.

Mattheo having to work for his father for months.

They have had lots of challenges to their relationship but it seems every time they come back stronger. It was rough but they did it and loved each other through every damn step.

"If you ever get lost," he started as he looked down and began playing with the ends of the girl's hair.

"Lost?" She repeated. They were cuddling on their couch with the fire cackling beside them. Mattheo was rubbing circles on her back and kissing her head every now and then. Y/n dug her head deeper into his chest.

"I'll be there," he whispered. He wanted her to know that no matter what happens, he will be by her side. Even if he can't be there physically.

Here they were, 3 years later, standing at the entrance to Hogwarts while they watched Harry Potter and Voldemort fight. Y/n was screaming for her boy but when she didn't find him her anxiety grew.

When Harry won she jumped up from where she was and ran to him with open arms. Y/n lived with Harry ever since they were little but when they got into two different houses they grew distant.

She pulled away and let out a shaky breath as she screamed every place she could think of. She ran to the Great Hall where students where lined up and being told that they had passed. She caught sight of her best friend, Pansy and ran to her.

"Pans!" The brunette haired girl turned around and wrapped her arms around her. "Have you seen him?" Pansy knew who she was talking about because she knew if he died, she would die to.

"No," Y/n let out a shaky breath and tears came to her eyes as she dug her face into Pansy's chest. They stayed there for a while before a pair of arms slipped around her and pulled her away from Pansy's body.

She knew who it was.

She quickly turned around and stood on her tippy toes to kiss him before hugging him tightly.

"I thought I lost you," she let out a small sob that only caused his grips on her to tighten.

"If you ever get lost."

"Lost?" She smiled knowing what was coming but didn't pull herself away from him.

"I'll be there. I'll be there waiting." She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his torso and didn't let him go. His hands went to her waist to keep her from falling and dug his head into her neck.

"I'm sorry I scared you my love."

"We did it."

"We did. We always do."

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