Forgotten Birthday. |JJ Maybank|

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WC: 844

I woke up to the feeling of sunlight shining on me, making me very hot. I sighed but then I remembered it was my birthday and that I was going on a date with my boyfriend, JJ, we are going to the beach to surf and then come back for a movie night.

I smiled a bit as I got up and picked out a slightly more classy outfit. I wore a black crop top with some white jeans. I usually wear hoodies so this was new. I threw on my rings and my necklace and walked to my doors to grab my sneakers. I sat down on my bed and slipped on my shoes before getting up and walking downstairs. 

I usually hate celebrating my birthday but being with my best friends and boyfriend. I walked out of the house and started taking a small walk to the Château. I arrived there and stepped inside. Almost instantly I caught sight of my blonde haired boy. 

I smiled and walked up behind him, putting my arms around his waist. He lifted his arm up a bit before turning around and smiling down at me. "Hi love." 

"Hi," He kissed my forehead and pulled away to grab a beer from the fridge. I looked at him confused for a second before quickly masking it once again. "So um- How was your day?" I asked sitting down on the couch.

"Good! Pope was being stupid by watching the water while we were moving super fast and when we were driving the boat JB came to a quick stop and Pope fell into the water!" He laughed. I nodded and put on a smile. "How was your day? By the way why are you dressed up?" He asked sitting down next to you and putting your feet on his lap while he rubbed them.

"Good I guess....I woke up late so I haven't really started my day. And no reason just kinda fond this and threw it on" I shrugged. He truly forgot. I took my legs off him and proceeded to the door. 

"Hey where are you going?! I wanna cuddle!?" The blonde shouted.

"Going to Sarah's. She wanted to hangout." Before he could respond you were out the door and walking to the kook side. I let a few tears slip but quickly wiped them. I didn't even wanna celebrate my birthday so why get mad? Just kinda hurts.....

I knocked on Sarah's door and she opened it with a smile. "Hi Y/n!! Happy birthday!!" I smiled and went to hug her but she grabbed me by my shoulders and looked at me in the eyes. "Why aren't you happy? What happened?" 

"Nothing big...JJ just forgot my birthday as today. That's all." She shook her head.

"Y/n that is not ok.."

"It is fine. Truly. I didn't even wanna celebrate anyway." I shook my head with a plastered smile. She sighs and brings me in as we start watching movies and eating popcorn but I couldn't forget that lingering question in the back of my mind....Was I not worth remembering?

<JJ Maybank's Pov>

I watched as she walked out and frowned. Why did she just leave? Why was she dressed up? Questions roamed my head but I was soon snapped out of my thoughts when Kie came and sat in front of me. "So, what are you doing today?" She asked with a huge smile of her face.

"Probably gonna just watch some movies." I shrugged. Kie frowned more and looked at me with confusion. 

"JJ Fucking Maybank what is today?" She said with tons of aggression. I checked my phone real quick and when I looked up I saw more disappointment in Kie's eyes. 

"June 13th- SHIT!" I yelled. "Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit" I quickly set down my beer and walked into my room. I pulled out my phone once again and stared at the name 'My girl🥹❤' even though it said it, I didn't feel like it was true. 

Like, how could I forget my girlfriend of 3 years!?

I tapped her contact and put it on speaker. "Hey, JJ. You ok?" She asked sweetly. 

"Love I am so sorry. I was stressed-"

"It is fine." She said dryly. 

"No! No it isn't! I forgot your birthday Y/n!!"

"Well I kinda can't be mad when I didn't even want to celebrate a birthday in the first place." Kie came in and leaned on my door and shook her head at me.

"But we were still gonna go surf and watch a few movies!" I raised my voice. I wasn't mad at her, and she knew. I was more mad at myself for forgetting something like this. 

"Jagj, relax. I'll come back and we can do it. How does that sound?" I let out a sigh of relief when I heard she still wanted to be with me. 

"Ok. Ok." I breathed. 

"Calm down. I'll be over in a second." I nodded even though she couldn't see me. I shut my phone off after she hung up. 

"Fucking idiot." Kie shook her head, walking away. 

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