Engaged?! |Mattheo Riddle|

876 14 8

Warning: None
Word Count: 617
(Inspo for this on the top)

"Were engaged!" Pansy says happily as she walks into the room, holding her hand up for Daphne, Astoria and I to see. I smiled for her, knowing she had always wanted to marry someone. Mattheo soon walked out with a smile.

I knew.

The were dating but I just never thought they would get married. See, when we were younger we dated. From 13 to 17. We broke up because of his father but he said that once it was all over we could go back and be with each other. 

If you can't tell, that never happened.

He had a mission with Pansy and they ended up falling in love. You could see it in Mattheo's eyes more than you ever could with me. I had spent many nights in Daphne and Astoria's arms, crying over a boy that clearly didn't love me the way I loved him. 

They know I love him but Pansy doesn't. It hurts that she was so okay with going to try and date him after a week of us breaking up but I can't blame her. She fell in love. I can't stop her happiness because I am hurting over a boy who said he wouldn't leave me, and did. A hand on my knee snapped me out of my thoughts. 

Daphne hand placed it there, trying to bring me back to reality. It worked, sadly. "You all need to be my bride's maids. Oh, oh, oh! Y/n you have to be my maid of honor!" I tried to smile and nod, feeling Mattheo's eyes on me. It was like the heartbreak happened all over again.

"Theo!" My 14-year-old self had called. The door opened and he ran in. 

"Y/n/n,"  he picked me up and spun me around. He kissed all over my face, not letting me go. 

"Theo," I giggled as he continued. He eventually stopped and pulled me into a hug. I nuzzled my head into his neck and he put my feet on the ground and let my head stay nuzzled into his neck.

"I'm gonna marry you one day," he muttered. He pulled away looking at me as if I was the only girl in the world, but the thing is in  3 years time he would be looking at one of my best friends like that and like she was more.

"Ask me when we are older love." 

"You will be the only one I ask," he said with a small smile as he gently kissed my forehead.

Maybe if I had said yes then, we wouldn't be apart now. But we are. And he is happy, at least. "Congrats guys," I said with a forced smile as I tried blinking back tears. 

"Thank you Y/n," his voice was like a stab to my heart. It reminded me of when we were okay and we didn't act like we were strangers. A tear fell and I had to get out. I couldn't be here anymore. I got up and I could feel everyone's eyes on me. 

I walked into the bathroom and muttered a silencing spell. Once it was done, I let out the loudest heart-wrenching scream/sob I could do. My body shook with sobs and I collapsed against the wall. I heard Daphne knocking quietly but I couldn't answer. For 2 reasons, the spell and I didn't trust my voice. 

Maybe in some other universe or some other planet, I would be happy with Mattheo being in my arms. But I know for a fact that right now, at this exact moment, my heart shatters into a million pieces. And I didn't know if I would ever be able to pick them up. 

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