2 Years Ago. |Draco Malfoy|

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Warning: Implied Suicide to Come
Word Count: 438

Draco and Y/n were the couple everyone wanted to be but not when Draco Malfoy died, reason unknown.

But someone did know.

Y/n. How could she not? He did die trying to save her. And she couldn't hate him anymore. If he wasn't already dead she probably would've killed him herself. This was all 2 years ago and she had just recently been able to go through his things.

They were dating for about 3 years before they got so horribly separated. They would talk about what they wanted their home to look like and how many kids they wanted. They talked about everything for their future. They never saw each other separating.

When Y/n finally entered his room after 2 years tears fell from her eyes harder than ever. The memories of them came back and she felt horrible. She felt it was her fault. She wished she was just paying attention. She sat on the floor and began pulling things from under his bed.

She kept a box of tissues right next to her, as well as a small trash bag for the tissues. After sorting through things for a few hours, tears defined, she saw a black box. It made her smile for the first time. Classic Draco.

She pulled into her lap and blew off all the dust that was laying there gently. She coughed slightly and wiped in front of her face, turning away slightly. She finally looked down and opened it.

Dear Y/n,
From day one you have been by my side and I honestly don't know what I would've done without you. You shaped me into the guy I am, even though I'm not the best. You saw me as so and stuck up for me more times than I have ever for you. I want us to be forever and I see forever for us. No matter how many times I say 'i love you: I never feel it's enough. So instead of saying it, I decided to try and show.
Y/n M/n L/n, will you marry me?

She thought her heart broke before, this was the moment she knew it definitely happened.

He was planning on proposing and this was his speech. Tears flowed down her face hard, not being able to stop. She felt it was hear fault and she felt she needed to be punished.

She knew her time would come soon. She didn't plan on staying here long but fuck, that didn't make this hurt any less.

They were just kids.

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