This Isn't Goodbye...

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Plot: It's Time for a new journey to begin...


13 years ago...

Inkopalis national hospital. It was in this place that destiny would take form and a young Octoling's journey would begin.

As staff walked back and forth, a young 9 year old Octoling girl turned around one of the corners, her eyes looking back and forth.

Desti: Alright, where is this stupid room with all the eggs, cmon! Think, you're Desti Octorian. A future splatfest champion! If you can't find a room filled with babies, how are you meant to be the best!?

Just then, Desti yelped as she saw someone coming, jumping into an open bin filled with towels. Once the nurse passed, Desti peaked out. She then spotted a room labelled "NICU.".

Desti: Okay...I think that's the place, let's get this over with...

Desti leapt out, running to the room and opening the door, quickly making sure she wasn't being followed. She saw a sign inside that read:

This room does not permit:

Untrained MedicsThe HomelessUnattended children or animals

Desti: Ha! This sign can't stop me cause I can't read!

Desti closed the door behind her and made her way past all the tables. Some had young inklings and octolings thrashing about, some were still encased in their shells.

Thankfully, Desti did know how to read her own last name in preparation for writing autographs in the future, so she managed to find hers on one of the tables.

And there it was, an egg about half the size of her lying flat on a sheet. Desti had nothing but hatred in her eyes.

Desti: I can't believe this, y'know? 8 years being the only beloved child and suddenly Mom is like "I'm Pregnant, get used to it!". Dad keeps trying to say you'll be some kind of blessing but I thinks that's absolute crap!

Desti thought about the last 9 months. What was meant to be her training room was now being made into a crib room. All her old toys she planned to sell for money were now being given to this little freak of nature!

Desti: You think it's nice don't you? Hogging all the attention just because you're the youngest child and automatically the world revolves around you!? Well, before you ruin my life, let's lay down some ground rules! Number 1-


Before Desti could even start, the eggshell was starting to crack, beginning to break open by the top. Desti's eyes widened in confusion and shock.

Desti: Wait, what!? I heard the doctor's, you're not meant to hatch for...half a day at most, it's been less than an hour!

The cracking continued as Desti looked around, moving in circles. It didn't make any sense, she was just about to berate this thing to high hell, how was she suddenly so worried.

Desti: Oh, uh...I, uh...! Help! Someone please help!

Her cries seemed to fall on deaf ears. All of a sudden, she heard a much louder crack as the egg fell over, followed by a squelch noise. Desti yelped, looks around in worry.

She found a chair and used as much strength as she could muster to pull it closer to the table, trying to get up high. She pulled herself up to her fastest speed.

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