Mario goes to Ohio

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Plot: Mario takes a road trip to Texas with Desti tagging along for the ride, but it seems in order to get to Texas, you must first go through...OHIO.

(February 25th - 2023)

Mario's entire body was bouncing up and down in excitement, cheering as the Taxi had finally arrived in front of the castle.

Nearby, Desti lugged herself over with a suitcase behind her.

Desti: Huff...Okay, I packed my-


Mario grabbed her and forcefully threw her through the Taxi window into the car. He was about to hop in himself until Desti locked the car.

Desti: Hold up Mario, didn't you say Smg4 was coming with us?

Remembering, Mario angrily went inside the castle, then knocked on the door until it exploded. Smg4 poked out his head.

Smg4: Y-yes?

Mario: SMG4!!!! WE'RE GOING TO TEXAS!!!!

Smg4: Oh, uh, was that today? Uh...I'm sorry Mario. I can't come today. I'm in the middle of making a special video.

Mario: What!? But you're always making videos! That's never stopped you!

Smg4: Not this one. (Ominous) This one's going to be different...K BYE!!

Smg4 backed up and put a seed in the doorway, watering it to grow a new door. Mario had only one thought on his mind.

Mario: NERD!!!


And so, the Taxi ride was off. Mario was clearly enjoying himself, dancing along gleefully to the radio music with a Texan hat as Desti looked at him weirded out.

Desti; Wow, never seen you get this excited for something Mario. Yo Driver, how long till we're there?

The Heavy didn't answer. She brushed it off, thinking he was focused on driving.

Desti: So Mario, why are you so obsessed with Texas?


Desti: Barbecue? That's why you dragged me along?

Mario: No, there's stuff for you as well!

He handed her a brochure that she started reading from. With each page, her eyes widened.

Desti: County Jazz? Shooting range!? Legalised Pot?!? Why didn't you lead with this, let's go!!

Mario gave her a Texan hat as they both grooved to the beat on the radio, right as the Taxi went by the sign for Ohio.

Suddenly, the area outside the Taxi shifted to a destroyed wasteland of a city, fires and bodies everywhere. The car and radio came to a halt.

Desti: Uh, driver? What's going on?

He turned to them with a demented smile, said "CRACK" and then warped into a series of strings that fled into the radio.

Desti was silent with her eyes widened in horror, while Mario tried to rip the guy out of the dashboard. He ended up ripping out the engine, blowing up the car and his hat.

Mario (Depressed): My hat...

The two looked around, seeing abandoned flats surrounded by gloomy sunset skies.

Mario: What the hell? This isn't Texas!

Desti: Hmm, that driver did seem dodgy. Cmon, let's see if there's a bus stop somewhere.

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