Mission 8 - Secret Weapon

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(Mission 7 Winning Option: Use a Door 🍆 - 4 Votes)

Desti: We're gonna need a trump card if things get out of hand. Thankfully, there's only 2 options to pick from since Meggy refused to let Smg3 stuff the twins into these watches.

Smg4 and Desti - BEEG Smg4

Smg3 and Eggdog - Eggdog

Smg4: Aw, BEEG Smg4 is perfect for this! He's so big and squishy!

Desti: On another non creepy note, he can grow to incredible sizes and he's practically bulletproof. Could help if we need a meat shield.

Smg4: Hey!

Smg3: Well, Eggdog is even more superior! He can stretch to incredible lengths, he's fast and I can use him as a weapon if I need him too!

Crystal: Yeah, plus he's adorable! Right Eggdog?


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