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Plot: It's time for Smg4 to make a special announcement, this time with MY own signature twist!

(March 18th - 2023)




We open on a closed red curtain, Bob preparing the introduction.

Bob: And now, time for Smg4's special announcement!

The curtains pulled back to reveal...no one.

Where Smg4 should've been, there was only the usual blue character icon background until Smg3 came in from the side curious.

Smg3: Uh, Smg4? The fans are here!

Annoyed with no response, he took centre stage.

Smg3: Dude, hello!? You're on!

With Still no response, Smg3's worry turned to anger.

Smg3: God-dammit, I have to do everything around here! (Cough) Okay, let's see...

Smg3 grabbed Smg4's original script and started reading to us, the audience.

Hehe, little does he know I've put in my own little tidbit near the end...

Smg3 (Reading): Hello, Welcome everyone, yada yada yada...We heard how some of you felt after the redesigns of some of the characters last year, especially Boopkins and we just wanna say...we hear all of you?

Perplexed by this confused writing, Smg3 threw the script aside.

Smg3: Screw it, I'm doing this my way!

Taking over, Smg3 clapped his hands as the background slammed down and changed to a black colour with Mario hat and skull icons.

Smg3: Look, we're gonna give ourselves a little visual upgrade from these coca-melon looking ass designs...again! Yes. Again.

Snapping his fingers, Smg3 slurped down a drink as his entire body was wrapped in a white glow, starting from his feet and moving up to his head, before vanishing...and unveiling his new look!

Black and dark blue was replaced with shades of black and dark purple. His gloves each bore the Roman numeral symbol for 3. His hat was slightly chipped away while the skull symbol lied inside a pentagon shape.

His sleeves were black and his shoes had gone fully black with skull bands, topping everything off with more pronounced facial hair and a red tint to his eyes.

Smg3: There! Ain't that better? Check this out! (Points to shoes) My eyes are red, I'm so evil now! Hahahaha...uh...Ah! And don't worry, Smg4's gotten the same treatment!

A picture of Smg4 calling himself stupid appeared next to Smg3, quickly shifting to a new appearance. He looked near identical to before, but his face was more cleared up and human shaped with a blue tint to his eyes while the S atop his hat appeared to be glitching inside of a White pentagon.

Smg3: Definitely not as handsome as me though.

Smg3 hit a button and blew up the portrait.

Smg3: Now that that's outta the way...I gotta address the elephant in the room.

Smg3 kicked down the background behind him, revealing...Boopkins on a date with one of his Waifu pillows.

Smg3: Look at this ugly looking cabbage!

Boopkins: Hey, that's not nice!

Smg3: Dude, you went from Boopkins to Mike Wasowski last year.

Boopkins: I...I guess I miss being a fish.

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