Introduction + Mission 1

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Approaching the door to Smg4's room, the door opened to reveal Crystal standing there with beaming eyes.

Crystal: Oh, you're here! Great, we can begin the plan!

The door opened fully as Desti moved her aside gently.

Desti: Crystal, don't freak them out, they just got here.

Crystal: Oh, Sorry Aunt Desti...

She walked off and Desti sighed, looking at the person.

Desti: Sorry about her, it's just...she's smart but she's still just a kid. She's nice like that. Anyway, come on in so we can start.

Walking inside, Smg4 was sitting intently at his computer with Smg3 next to him checking the facts. Smg3 looked up and saw them.

Smg3: Yo, Smg4! They're here!

Smg4 heard this and leapt up, ready to start.

Smg4: Alright! About time. Let's do this, come over here.

The figure approaches the group and the main computer.

Smg4: Alright, remember our mission is to get Smg3's notebook back. (Points to Screen) It sits here on the top floor of Casino Paisano, your job as Mission Control is to help us plan and prepare how to retrieve it.

Smg4 pointed to the screen, now showing the typical comments section of any Wattpad story.

Smg4: To do that, You're gonna need to look at the options presented in the story post and then comment down below which one you want to choose. New missions are added every 24 hours and new ones will be added at exactly 6:15PM EST (Eastern Standard Time) over the next 2 weeks. When each mission period ends, we'll choose the end result based on the votes.

Suddenly, Smg3 grabbed the camera and pointed it at himself.

Smg3: But be careful! Half of the options are good and the other half are bad, which we won't know till WOTFI! If we get too many bad options, we'll fail the WOTFI and My Notebook will be leaked!

He pointed the camera at Desti and Crystal, who seemed especially nervous.

Smg3: Do you really want their therapy Secrets leaked online? DO YOU!?!

Smg4 slapped Smg3 aside, taking back the camera view.

Smg4: Bro, chill. Stop putting so much pressure on them. You guys will be fine, I know you'll make some great choices!"

Desti strolled over, pointing her blade at the camera.

Desti: And if you don' might wanna lock all your doors because I'll find you...

Smg4 awkwardly pushed Desti's blade aside with one finger and then hopped back in his computer chair.

Smg4: Alright, here we go...Have fun!

And with that, Smg4 hit the main button and the voting began!


(Mission 1 - Distract Mario)

Smg4: Mario's gonna be watching the front door when we arrive and when he sets his mind to something, he's unstoppable. We're gonna need to deal with him before this plan goes any further. Here are our options...

Smg4: Scare the Fat Italian

Smg3: Wear a disguise

Desti: Tranquilliser Dart

Crystal: Kill the lights

Smg3: Since when do you have Tranquilliser Darts?!

Desti: Since it became important to my privacy!

Smg4: I think scaring him is a safe bet, he is pretty stupid. Plus, how do you know a tranquilliser dart will even work, he's dealt with worse.

Smg3: Exactly, he's stupid! Which is why a disguise should work!

Crystal: I don't wanna hurt him, he's still my uncle. What if we shut off the lights instead?

Smg4: It might work...but what if we bump into him in the darkness?

Crystal: I'm just giving it as an idea!

Smg4: Geez, just giving notes...

Smg4: Crystal Splezter 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now