Mission 10 - Trivia Time

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(Mission 9 Winning Bid: $20,000,000 - Literally all the votes)

Shroomy: Hey Howdy Hey! It's me, Shroomy here with Quiz time! Here's a question for Ya: What happened at 6:50 in the Smg4 Episode Snowtrapped?

Smg4: 🤢

Smg3: Uh, I'm not sure, let's look it up...

Desti: Stab Shroomy and Run

Crystal: Ask for a hint

Smg4: Snow trap-Oh no...

Smg3: Oh god, not this! Anything but this! Just stab him, please!

Desti: Really? You'd rather me murder our friend then reveal what happened between you guys?

Smg3: Yes! That knowledge should be buried with that Igloo!

Crystal: What Igloo?

Smg4 and Smg3: Don't tell her!!

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