Mission 5 - Back up Plan

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(Mission 4 Winning Option: Knock Out - 3 Votes.)

Smg4: No plan is perfect and there's a chance we could be captured, even if everything goes accordingly to this point. If that's the case, We need a plan to prepare.

Smg4: Start a Dance Party!

Smg3: Use Tear Gas

Desti: Pure Rage

Crystal: Beg for Mercy

Smg4: Anyone in the mood for a dance party?

Desti: The only time I plan to dance is In victory if we succeed in this plan.

Smg3: Yeah, I think Tear gas is our best solution, we can get away cleanly with no need for a fight.

Desti: Aw, I think a fight is the best solution! I'd destroy anyone in my path!

Crystal: And what if we just try asking Nicely?

Smg4: Kid, no offence, but that'll be our final plan if everything seems completely hopeless.

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