A Happy Family Road Trip

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Plot: Smg4 plans a road trip to an Unknown Destination with Mario and the Splezter Family in tow! But he's about to learn why it's a bad idea to put families in tight spaces...

(April 1st - 2023)

It was a lovely day outside, something long overdue given recent events.

After the castle was destroyed, Smg4 had been left without a home, needing to rely on others to survive. He'd tried living with Mario, but that lasted less than a day.

Thankfully, Mario "Persuaded" Luigi to part with his RV for the moment so Smg4 had a place to call his own, at least until the castle could be rebuilt. In fact, he'd even invited Mario and the Splezter family on a road trip to an unknown destination.

Right now, The family was sat on the porch and sidewalk outside Meggy and Tari's house with Mario stretching his body in an attempt to play charades.

Tari: Uh, A speedboat!?

Crystal: SpongeBob!?

Meggy: Having a stroke?

No one could guess what Mario was pretending to be, but at least he was getting a good laugh out of the twins. Finally, Tari caught on.

Tari: I've got it! Spooky Skeletons!

Mario froze mid pose and gave a thumbs up, collapsing on the floor as Tari laughed and all the kids cheered.

Tari: Hehe!

Meggy: There you go with winning...again.

Tari: Jealous Meggy?

Meggy: No, it's just impossible to beat you at any game apparently.

Nearby, there was a chart of how many wins there were between Crystal, Meggy, Mario and Tari. Mario had 1, Meggy had 3, Crystal had 8 and Tari had 19.

Tari: It's not always about winning Meggy, sometimes it's just about playing the game!

Meggy: Pfft, not where I'm from...


Before the conversation could continue, Meggy's phone buzzed as Smg4 was announcing his impending arrival.

Meggy: It's Smg4, he should be here soon! I still wonder what he wants to show us?

Tari: Maybe he wants go to the countryside?

Meggy: Where there's no WiFi? I doubt that.

Crystal: Maybe it's a theme park!

Alice and Emily babbled in excitement.

Meggy: What do you think it is Mario?

He suddenly grabbed Ronald McDonald out of nowhere and excitedly yelled...


Everyone became alert, assuming Smg4 had arrived at last!

However, confusion then washed over them as they looked down either side of the road and he was nowhere to be found. Mario and Meggy looked at each-other and shrugged.

Hearing the sound again but closer, Mario looked up with his eyes extended.

Mario: Oh, look!

Smg4: Crystal Splezter 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now