Trust No One

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Plot: Smg3's Prized possession has been stolen! Who took it? Where is it? Why do they want it? How will the truth be revealed? And when will I stop a king questions!?

(October 14th - 2023)

Mario's eyes were groggy as he opened them, barely able to see ahead of himself in the room. He could tell he was at a table, but the room was so dark that he couldn't see anything else.

As the light shone above him, he felt his spine jump up as he could tell someone was behind him.

Mario: W-who's there!?!

The figured moved out of the shadow's, revealing himself as...a very angry Smg3.

Smg3: MARIO!! Where is it!?

Mario: Where's what!?

Frustrated, Smg3 grabbed Mario by the back of his neck and slammed him face first into the table.

Smg3: it!?!

Mario sat back up, his face as flat as a pancake.

Mario: I swear Mario didn't eat your Eggdog!

Smg3: (Gets closer) Don't play coy with me...You took my special secret notebook!

Smg3 brought out a computer, showcasing all the moments in the past where he wrote in his Notebook, which he'd been carrying around for ages.

Smg3: I write down all my deepest darkest secrets in there!!

Mario: Mario didn't take it!! Honest!! I was playing Club Penguin!!

Smg3: Prove it!! Prove that you didn't come up into my room and steal it last night!!

As an intimidation tactic, Smg3 put a plate of Spaghetti on the table and then grabbed a power drill. Mario's love of Spaghetti was now being used against him.

As Smg3 continued to bring the drill closer and closer to the dish, Mario's panic intensified to hysterical levels.

Smg3: Last chance, Mario...

Mario refused to speak and as the drill came within a mere centimetre of the sauce...Smg3 finally ended his torture. He turned the drill off, turning the lights back on to reveal they were inside the castle kitchen.

Smg3: Okay, fine...maybe you didn't take it...

Mario was on the floor in tears, but quickly managed to regain his composure.

Mario: Mario told you, he was playing club penguin.

Smg3: Well, if you didn't take it, them...who took my notebook!?!

Smg3 immediately became panicked, standing on a wardrobe and looking out the window as he saw Luigi passing by.

Smg3: You stole my notebook, didn't you, Luigi!?!

Not even giving him a second to respond, Smg3 shot Luigi with a sniper and luckily only managed to knock him out cold.

Smg3 was breathing shakily with unease as Mario brought up an intriguing idea.

Mario: What about Smg4?

Smg3: What??

Mario: Hasn't he been trying to take your notebook?

Smg3's face froze in alarm, recalling the recent times that Smg4 showed interest in what he was writing.


When they were stuck in an elevator...

Smg4: I've seen you write in that thing for weeks...

Smg4: Crystal Splezter 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now